FoL Feedback Thread

7 is not a “majority” but okay have them get in here

Also NFoL players are inherently not regular players…?

Well I see my newbies as more regular playing than a lot of the people who are here talking :stuck_out_tongue:

Except you absolutely still can, as the changes we make are for reasons that may also apply to the main game

I’m on break for a few months, sue me

Then show me.
Compare FoL and ToL.

Yeah but danganronpa is the RETURN. Its hype

sue orange for having a near once in a lifetime chance do work on a fucking solar car


How? Venn diagram?

(that could sound really mean but I’m both genuinely confused and thought it was a funny joke, hopefully that came off light-hearted)


Well, I can compare them, but if I do it, fol ends up as “tol without common sense”, to quote a friend of mine :woman_shrugging: so better you do the comparison

But like what am I comparing and why

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Also interested to hear what part isn’t common sense that is in ToL

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You want stuff from FoL implemented in ToL? Then show me what is better in FoL. (Please do)

A lot of it already has but the easiest next pick is Fool


jester fool is so bad holy shit

the fool we have here is fucking good


Fool is good.
Fool punishes BD for yolo lynching.

I find this highly ironic as it reminds me a lot about a different quote

It punishes them for lynching nontown
Of course that depends on your definition of yolo lynching

jester is inherintly bad game design

why the fuck would you get punished for a technical correct lynch?