FoL Feedback Thread


Removing royal blood would be good tho.
And with that. We need a new ability for maid.


Yeah but then noble is pretty much useless.


maid is already by far the best invest in FoL

Iā€™m in favour of removing it and giving it to princess honestly.

Wait that is actually a great idea

princess is fucking shit compared to Maid atm. Maid is better in every way.


Will o Wisp should be 2 target tbh and you know which one attacks. It makes it not useless.
Only downside you only see one attack.

Also about prince.

Should just be redirect immune, thatā€™s all

Just so execute hits intended target


Nah Will-O-Wisp should just burn the target


And halve their attack

And apply a stack of poison that dealt 100 damage every second.

Relevant Poll

So, Mass claiming D2 and 3 is super annoying and removes a lot of the deduction from the game and often leads the game in a BD favored direction.

What are our thoughts on this change?

  • There is now a limit of two trials per day. Ending the second trial with a pardon will now cause the day to end early immediately.

  • Good idea! Heck Mass Claims!
  • Bad Idea! Fix it more gracefully, you hecking nerd!

0 voters

Donā€™t see how it will help mass claims tho

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Itā€™s stop you from being able to vote people up and forcing them to claim. Itā€™s the same reason the number of trials were limited in TOL

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I guess. But unlike in turbo in FoL people can be forced to vote by the THREAT of trial

Thatā€™s bad imo, all itā€™s doing is encouraging people to always execute trials, which means soon theyā€™ll be pointless.


Pretty sure the only way to truly stop a mass claim is to make it so that if everyone has a full claimlist then scum will win more than if they didnā€™t.

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give scum a claim vigilante ecks-dee

thereā€™s not a way to gracefully implement a claim vigilante sadly

since we have two evil factions