FoL Feedback Thread

So adding a neut that is actually neutral to both sides is bad?

I canā€™t blame yours, Kai has revealed themselves I think

(Insert yes meme)

Kai revealed himself

Derps was revealed by zone but I already knew he was heretic

No you didnā€™t :smirk:

Night action wise speaking that is

In my classcard before the reveal I said I did.

I can invite you to my cc and you can click the timestamp on the post where I said ā€œderps is my heretic chrono and Iā€™m stabbing it tonightā€


I mean you didnā€™t know before he claimed, you havenā€™t used investigative ability at all

I knew socially

Same way I stabbed datbird

Because theyā€™re gonna be kingmaker 99% of time

U stab birds?

Dat Bird wingsā€¦


ā€¦that is not what I mean.

This was before zone outted him and kai cam out

But I thought you killed Bird first.

Thatā€™s an exception, not the norm. More people are more likely to just hard claim if they donā€™t realize they are heathens.

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But I can agree nearly all heretics have smoked too much weed 420.

But you had to make deduction and pushed a little.