FoL Feedback Thread


(11+9+13)/(30+28+27) = 38.8ish

And 40% is generous

on average, you only win kine, 10% of the time.

wonna flex winrates?

60-70% scorned wr on ToL

canā€™t prove because lolmac and the computer i had the stats on bricked butā€¦ trust me

You should have an equal average chance of winning, no matter what you roll (unless you roll some Neutral that doesnā€™t really care about who wins the game)

Of course, if youā€™re a literal god, your chances of winning should go up substantially.
And if you are a bad player, your chances go down.

But everything should average out to an equal chance of winning. Just because the TOwn are the largest group doesnā€™t mean they deserve to win more.

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Orange asked for proof, I provided


I disbelieve you because of your lack of evidence.

hot damn kid

i think i posted evidence on the ToL discord once

outdated but i think i might be able to pull it up

tl;dr nerf Poss :^)


Please explain to me why the NK should never win.

But yeah

Ideal winrates somewhere near 50/42.5/7.5 imo

Strawman alert


my poss strat in ToL was to just spam the word marshal in my logs and jump as marshal

pros: neuts respected the fuck outta you

cons: outs poss game and steals your jumps

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it hadā€¦ mixed results

Why should the NK almost never win?

Like, at the very least, if youā€™re not going to have an equal average chance of winning, I want to know why.

because itā€™s only 1 person and giving that much power to 1 peson is hella swingy

NK should have a chance but have to play really well

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See thereā€™s two main areas where youā€™re wrong

1: ToL is not a fair game inherently, the high power levels, mechanics, and RNG setup mean youā€™re never going to have an exactly even chance of winning

2: In a team game, I agree that you should balance for the teams, not the number of players. Imagine if, say, Evolve only gave the monster a 20% winrate. Game would have died. (oh wait) So yeah, sure, around even winrates for the teams. Only issue is, each game only has two factions, only two teams - the NK is a neutral, third-party, on his own. He doesnā€™t get a fair shake because heā€™s not a team and isnā€™t really the point.


I understand that, but why should the average be that low?

The reason proportion plays into it at all is that itā€™s a noncompetitive game with neutrals lol

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