FoL Feedback Thread

Do you see any way to keep NK, ici?

idk orange i donā€™t think thatā€™s a panacea for our problems either

Why keep it

itā€™d require completely redesigning the entire setup based on my gut feeling. like, a change to every single class. the whole thing would have to be rewoven, and that would be a massive risk to take given how complex the setup is. a screw-up in that design process could cost us weeks while we fix it.



But is it worth not testing because there could be ways to keep it?

No lol

(Just waiting for Ici to answer so I donā€™t influence his response to Priestess because I presume sheā€™d want that :man_shrugging: )

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To remove 6 different classes is ratherā€¦ drastic.
Where do you see rn the problems in fol balance?

Technically itā€™s removing one class from any given game

So painting it as removing six feels a bit disingenuous

Even if itā€™s technically true

Well itā€™s 6, look in the fol class card thread :wink:

NK is throwing a massive wrench into a lot of things, because we have to assume thereā€™s always at least one wolf with a bulletproof vest who also has the potential to screw over either faction every day, which is extremely swingy and is also extremely not fun for the one player, as they still have very little chance of victory despite their oppressive effect over pregame.

Yeah but the effect on any given game is not consistent with removing six classes

Itā€™s much closer to being the same as removing one

Sorryā€¦ can you try to keep it in simple or tol words. I donā€™t understand anything

What in particular

Like the only term I can see is ā€œbulletproofā€ but thatā€™s just ā€œnight immuneā€

my thesis is that NKā€™s current position as a weak (winrate-wise) but nonetheless influential allignment makes the game be dependent on when they die, which limits our ability to buff the wolves as it cannot step on the NKā€™s winrate, and the same goes for the village, which makes it extremely hard to balance the core conflict of the game.

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Yes, itā€™s very important for all factions when exactly NK dies. Why is that bad?

like we canā€™t add loads of strongmen (as an example) to Unseen/Cult because that would screw over the NK, and makes the game very dependent on whether the Cultseen accidentally hit the NK and gimp their own KP, eliminating anti-BD KP

obviously Iā€™m not suggesting strapping bazookas to the factions, but the point is that the more powerful we make Cultseen the more likely it is that this power will turn against the NK, thereby reversing that power gain in a lot of cases.

Why and what exactly do you want to strengthen the cultseen?