FoL Feedback Thread

Suck it sage


just give both scum factions a 1-shot factional dayvig that can only be used on the Prince

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hot take

remove all abilities, make FoL 15 player, rename the Unseen to Mafia, BD to Town, remove all other factions

and make the setup 12-3 marson

this joke is still funny right


Sounds balanced, and no swing. Lets do it

Sorc games are just multiball Marson with PRs

make the 17th and 18th slot any slots

but actually rig them to always be twin sorcs

Guys who are you replying to

It shows katze, but they aren’t in the thread

ftf transfer between MM will probably either share uses of limited use abilities or just have generic mm for second mm


I think the prince being able to be day occ’d one, maybe two times during the game is healthy

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So in order to keep the wording consistent, we should compile all instances of things that should be ‘occupy’ in general immune and ‘night occupy’ immune stuff
I suggest a split in the wording to ‘day occ immune’ and ‘night occ immune’
In instances of both you could write “Immune to occupation during both the night and day”

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We should be able to get out the results of the neutral competition by the end of this week (by next Sunday)
Just as a note, they will likely undergo changes before being dropped

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are we finna get yandhied?

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are we gonna get delay after delay

I created a rough schedule
Everyone else proceeded to not follow the schedule

RB of Prince working AGAINST him sounds bad
Didnt we fix that after Arete tried that already 2 Fols ago?

the thing is that it discourages openclaiming as prince
and we want to discourage openclaiming as prince with 0 drawback
the problem rn is that i don’t think cult can do the same thing


Keep it.

Completely rework it.