FoL Feedback Thread

I’m extremely surprised I missed a basic spelling error

Who even came up with those names and since they are most likely gone can we just go back to mine ty

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which names

If it’s the ability names for archer I’m willing to make them more quality™

that is not the impression I got from reading orange’s post? IIRC his take was that his names, which included neither spelling, were better than either spelling

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that’s the plan, yes.

Ranger and Bandit

…who decided these three were the ones to be chosen

the fol team

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How much have you discussed about these classes?

How many people pointed out flaws with them is a better question

If you have feedback to the classes, you probably should give it, since this is literally the right thread for it :upside_down_face:

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we spent like…

multiple days selecting preferred ones
then we narrowed it down to these three
then we spent like a couple days on this

I’m wondering if they see what I’m seeing is wrong with the neutrals and already addressed it


I think one of the bigger problems is how amnesiac is usually a class that balances the game, but only when there’s one KPN each game. When there’s more then one, it makes the game more scumsided for it being rolled.

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I can see this class scumsiding

that was known

Also is Strigoi still getting in or nah?

most neuts in FoL are either inherently harmful to BD or can easily be

I like the other two. The only thing I don’t like is the first one which is able to scumside and holds the power to prevent two lynches.