FoL Feedback Thread

for what it’s worth I’m not gonna say it’s essential to have cops

but they exist for a reason

Cops are more than likely essential, but why are they so basic and why are there two?

they’re both slightly more unique than a regular cop

and they both exist because FoL largely derives off of ToL

where they both exist because it’s a faction specific thing and one is guaranteed to spawn every game

Which shouldn’t.

Only one should exist, you should also sleep. night.

Said this many times before but

Removing NK is the easiest single step you can take to reduce swing


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I’ll make a longer post on the King a lot when I have the time

What would the role list look like for most games without nk?

I would guess either +1 neut or we could bring it back to the 16p format with an extra bd slot?

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not my job to figure that out anymore lol

technically never was but unfortunately I haven’t played FoL in a while so I really can’t comment on specifics

Given scum seem to be doing way better than town pretty consistently I don’t think “just remove NK” is necessarily an awful idea for a start, but maybe FoL is the exception to that idk

That could work, I forgot about the 18p lol

okay so if we remove NK we should probably remove the neutral slot and the BD or neut slot

make FoL a 15 player game

and then remove conversion because its bastard, but replace the king with starting cult

also remove the unseen because we cant see them

and change every BD class to a sheriff

and replace the cults (which starts with 3 players now) night actions with a factional douse (and an ignite too don’t forget that)


very funny

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you’ve been marsoned

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And then nuke it anyway.

Suggestion: rename fol in bastard rolemadness FM
Go wild and have fun remodelling it into a FM you actually enjoy
Noone should be forced to play a game he doesn’t like. You don’t like conversion? NK? Neuts in general? That’s fine. Not everyone likes a game like tol.

Nobody is forced to play a game they don’t like, they can just… not join.


This seems like a gross overgeneralization

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NK is not central to the identity of ToL

Conversion is

Having multiple evil factions with different mechanics is

The King is

We have all that

But not having a SK doesn’t make it suddenly completely different

It just makes it friendlier to a format where games are weeks not minutes

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Because it is one :wink:
But I think it covers the problem
I learned this while trying to figure out a balance for fol. You can’t balance a game you don’t play or don’t like. Because this means you don’t understand it. If you want to set up a change, you have to know why it was there in first place. You don’t have to agree with it. But you have to understand it, in order to calculate which consequences the change will have.

Removing converts is removing the spirit of the game, Fol is always going to be unbalanced compared to FM.