FoL Feedback Thread

this is also exacerbated by there only being two starting scum

try making a decision, and you create 5 more
thatā€™s what fol actually is
the low hanging fruit still exist, but there are serious structural problems


:biohazard: :bomb:


this is what we need

and ftr Iā€™ll fix the obvious stuff before the next fol
thatā€™s something Iā€™ve grown pretty accustomed to doing

if people want to make a wall to throw shit at for the next EFoL, Iā€™ll be ready to try to monstrous cocktail you guys create

Iā€™m about to sleep but

Is there a reason why FoL Sheriff doesnā€™t have ToL surveillance

why does ToL sheriff have surveillance

I feel like more awake Katze would have an answer

But Sleepy Katze does not know

Why is FoL Sheriff bad and boring is a better question and in general why does it exist.

Sheriff and Paladin both donā€™t need to exist for the confirmation to the BD that a certain faction exists tbh.

because faction specific cops are a thing in ToL

I think surveillance probably doesnā€™t fit in FoL as well since FoL MM is fully invest immune

unless surv would bypass that, which I think would be unbalanced, it loses a lot of its functionality

And we shouldnā€™t be like ToL

thatā€™s like
lhf change
I agree with it regardless

i donā€™t think Sheriff/Paladin are a big enough problem to merge/remove tbh?

Itā€™s not that theyā€™re a problem.

Itā€™s the fact that theyā€™re boring and honestly just do one job which isnā€™t a good sign in a class if people just donā€™t want to play it.

itā€™s a cop

not every class needs to be versatile

okay but why does it have to be so generic and boring?

itā€™s a cop

then why does it exist if it isnā€™t fun?

because without sheriff and Paladin thereā€™d be no cops specialized towards finding the main scum faction

youā€™d have a parity cop (maid) and princess with two shot alignment cop