FoL Feedback Thread

How does the number of players affect inq though?

But the gist of it is that it creates swing that I don’t want

first, I wasn’t particularly happy with it existing regardless
second, it can kill people
in a 16p

Inq is literally an extra killing player who happens to be neutral

That’s quite a bit of KPN

Eh, what do I know about balancing FM.

I also did a bunch of little stuff across the board to make unseen stuff less stupid

Eyyyyy Page got his motion detector

This is the most important change

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the decadent king still refers to inq btw


Unless they are still in private chat

Oh hey… new Fol changes based off the feedback we got from EFOL 3 and 3/4

I can get the full list of changes later tonight. But feel free to talk and discuss these changes in this thread

Vibe Check - Determine the faction of the targeted player.

gossip got the conversion effect removed
so poggers

on Squire
You may take a night action as the new role this night as well. - 1 use

hey wait where did Major go

Anstreim’s Anguish (Passive) - If you perform the factional kill, you may choose one effect to apply: make every player think they were redirected for the cycle, or for the target of the factional kill to have their flip cleaned. You cannot choose the same effect twice in a row

rip disabling scumchat

  • Change all instances of Occupy to Roleblock
  • Remove Major
  • Archer and its convert is in a weird place with Major removal as having a second confirmed guaranteed spawn is bad. And it’s too strong to have multiple. So if u guys got archer suggestions we want em. As like it’s currently cut from NFOL as we arent sure how to balance it
  • Re-word Take up the mantle and its unseen counterpart to allow night ability usage night of role change
    -Nerf Arbilist’s Raven Shot to be one shot (think this got changed to 2 but not sure)
  • Remove Major from Bound by Fate
    -Add an only to Mithra’s strength as it would be to empower the cult while smaller and cant be 2 or
    less as cult leader would be only one left atp
  • Add a clause to Anstreims Anguish to disable all non scum chat private chats
  • Also make Anstreim’s Anguish only for the cycle after it
  • Remove Inq from Personal Agenda
  • Add This passive is retained upon class change. To Bloodsucker and Failure. So when they crowned stirgoi still
    counts towards own wincon, and also Merc removes themselves
  • Give Scorneds King both Disguise and Incriminate
  • Removed nobles conversion detection
  • Changed princes cop check to not also be named allies
  • CW leylines got nerfed

Those are the ones from memory

  • Anstreims anguish also changed a bit. U can see what eli said
  • Archer and its convert is in a weird place with Major removal as having a second confirmed guaranteed spawn is bad. And it’s too strong to have multiple. So if u guys got archer suggestions we want em. As like it’s currently cut from NFOL as we arent sure how to balance it

what does “currently cut from NFoL” mean

It and its convert will not spawn in NFOL every other class is legal and playable.

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