FoL Feedback Thread

I’m going to be honest I’m starting to think alchemist is a bad class that I swindled Geyde into adding

Inq is swingy if people are smart hes gonna need a buff, but if its sstays how it is, where mass claims happen day 2, he should be fine. Maybe give him the ability to kill at any point and can use it multiple times, as long as he is correct

We talking about adding Pretender?
This version would work best, no bias.

How is Inq fine… when people are massclaiming D2, and game goes til D4, but you need to kill 3 of them?

A kill that refreshes when a Heathen dies?

I dont think that works with evils, EK wont lynch three of his own, that pretty mch means the end of him

Thats why I said it should be able to used multiple times as long as its correct

absolutely not get out of here you monster


Might need different conditions depending on King’s alignment if it becomes a thing

Shut up I love experimental abilities like these

“Okay king, we know your faction is losing badly right now so let’s just make sure you ABSOUTELY lose”

That destroys the kills per night rate tho

would pretender be informed of kings allignment then, if then they can just out if its EK, but then do u beleive them since it could just be GK and they just want them dead

well people need to stop claiming and thats what his new ppurpose in Fol is for

There’s no counter balance to pretender knowing the king aligment, even if they convince them the pretender is wrong he’s a dead man walking

Yeah but you have to think on the Inq player too, and on the game itself
Just “lets punish players for claiming because idiotic BD is claiming again on D2” isn’t a good concept for a class :eyes:

yeah its a hard thing to balance


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If a game can be broken by a mass claim and needs an anti claim to stop it from being broken then it’s a bad game design and you should rework it

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Idk I look forward to playing it, its so different it seems fun, but its also a learning tool. People will learn to play mafia better and then the inq will need to adapt, to get people to out. Not massclaiming should extend the lengths of the days too. Since scum cant get multiple kills if TKs out