FoL Feedback Thread

How dos one change Fol not to be broken by massclaim while also keeping tol elements.

I think BD loses when it mass claims


Uhhh Knight defend bypasses deathimmunity here too, right?

Not all NKs have consistent workarounds for it, so no

Thenā€¦ the NKs should get a consistent workaround?

Sorc doesnā€™t attack when the target is deathimmune/guarded, so heā€™s safe. Reaper resurrects himself. Poss throws others into the guard. Lich resurrects himself. Demon is immune when he uses Haemophilia, since he prevents the Knight.
I donā€™t see the problem?

Lich dies permanently if only one phylactery
Demonā€™s basic attack can kill them

We could easily change knight to bypass night immunity, but that would tread on Hunterā€™s niche of doing the same.

It seems like perhaps it might be good if there were some way besides having the question randomly occur to you for people to find out these nowhere-listed differences between ToL and FoL.

Itā€™s listed on the card as the bypass isnā€™t present.

Waitā€¦ does Sorc not attack when he hits guard/deathimmune, or does he here?

It says on the card

The Knight

Blue Dragon Killer
Armored (Passive) - Your first successful use of Defend will not kill you.
Defend (Night) - You will guard the target player tonight, giving your life to kill their attacker(s). - Infinite uses :crown:
Cold Steel (Night) - Choose a player to attack. If they are a member of the Blue Dragon, you will also take your own life. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

If itā€™s ā€œnot presentā€, I always assume itā€™s like in ToL and the info just got forgotten


Thatā€™s a poor assumption to be made


Not there = not present

I muffled by not reading the card before responding

And this is why stealth changes should be clear, and not just ā€œitā€™s not on the class card, so you have to guess if it works like in ToL, if it doesnā€™t work at all, if it works likeā€¦ uhmā€¦ like Solic thinks it worksā€ā€¦ :eyes:

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Thatā€™s the only reasonable assumption in my eyes :eyes: Sorry for using common sense

Because itā€™s LITERALLY THE SAME TEXT like in the ToL Class cards

But it works differently here.