FoL Feedback Thread

It never should work like that.
Problems in the cards can easily be fixed to clear up strange interactions.

Knight’s card doesn’t list that it bypasses night immunity, ergo it doesn’t bypass night immunity
If there are problems with interactions, then what are the problems?

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I’ll note that Knight Guard should mention that it takes all attacks on the target, and that the Knight’s death cannot be healed

Well like if we need to write out interactions like this Im willing to help when I can :man_shrugging:

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I think it dooes for this bit right now

yep it does

Something I find interesting is that knight being able to bypass immunity buffs possessor

We should do it for that sole reason alone.

I mean for the interaction of multiple attacks on the knight’s target killing the knight.

NK + Assass -> Knight target

Now those attack knight

Knight dies since Armored only applies for first attack

giving your life to kill their attacker(s) that cannot be healed to prevent this.

maybe idk


I can reword it to make certain that it operates like suicide in that it cannot be healed

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nah i had this talk with Solic im pretty sure. He said the knight wouldnt die to both attacking since its one use of defend not two to defend both attacks

Scree in other NKs and Hunter

Then Solic is wrong. If the Knight defends two attacks in one night, the Knight dies.

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It might just be me, idk blame me not solic

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i could of sworn that happened but im not 100%



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My point here is not ‘the Knight card in particular needs to be rewritten,’ it’s ‘there are various interactions that are unclear, particularly to players coming from ToL who are familiar with ToL mechanics, and it would be good if they were clarified somewhere rather than answered at some point in some random person’s class card/on a Discord that not all hosts even have access to/only determinable by looking at precedent from a game from five months ago/etc.’

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I… don’t agree. It says he won’t die to the first successful use of defend, not the first attack made on you via defend.

Then the text would be wrong :woman_shrugging: The knight dies on the second “attack”, that’s literally how it works