FoL Feedback Thread

Under ToL rules, the mechanics of which are I believe phrased the same way, stopping two attacks in one night will kill the Knight. It’s fine if that works differently here, but that should be written down somewhere.


I looked up the definition of use and it said something around accomplish a purpose or getting a result

searched through my hosting chat, couldnt find it. Guess im making shit up.

It came up in FoL 22, Gikkle blocked two attacks on Frostwolf in a single night and survived.

“Let’s clarify it”
Just read 4head it’s not on the classcard, so it doesn’t work
“But there are a lot of cases where something is not stated on the classcard, and it does work exactly like that; or worse, it’s literally the same text as in the tol class card, but the class works differently”
Just read, it’s clear

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oh then i guess it did happen

cause thats the game i hosted with him

I would like to interrupt this discussion with a reminder that we’re approaching 10000 posts in this thread and thus this thread will ASCEND to becoming as important as the Cookie Thread in the pantheon of threads with true cultural significance


reading through the hosting chat again, i have deemed that Knight is a mess

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so is reaper, reaper and knight is a mess together is a ginormous mess

Someone asked me as I hosted “when does a Knight die when he CSes a BD” and I just copied it from the ask-a-guide chat

The knight will die if:
-They CS a BD target who is healed by a phys or alch
-They CS a BD target who is delayed by a chrono
-They CS a BD target who is a phys and self-cares
-They CS a BD target who is a chrono and uses PD
The knight will not die if:
-They CS a BD target who is Death Immune due to being safeguarded
-They CS a BD target who is Death Immune due to being an offensive who was Empowered by the Court Wizard
-They CS a BD target who is protected by a merc’s shield
-They try to CS a BD target but are redirected (including to their original target), and thus decide not to attack

Basically… Knight dies if he CSes a BD who wasn’t deathimmune

Didn’t know it would work else, so I went with the ToL version, I didn’t know any else method? And I have no idea how you guys would do it.

What I’m trying to get across is that ‘strange and unintuitive interactions’ should be clarified so that there is no need for assumptions.
Knight is a particularly egregious example


Change it to ‘attack blocked by Defend’

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What is “blocked” tho?

And can you please read through this and tell me if this is 1. obvious or 2. not how you think it works :slight_smile:

Attack: An attack is an ability that will kill a player unless they are death immune. An attack can also be healed.
Bleeding: A bleeding player will die after two nights if they are not healed. This is caused by certain day abilities.
Class Type: Each class has a type, which is displayed in the class cards. The types are investigative, killer, offensive, social, special and support.
Conversion: The act of converting a Blue Dragon player to the Unseen or Cult. Their class will change to an evil variation of their original.
Conversion immune: Players who cannot be converted. This can be permament or temporary.
Death delay: A Chronomancer can delay deaths for two nights. Delayed deaths can be healed or blocked by deathimmunity.
Death immune: Players who cannot be killed at night (except by bleeding). This can be permanent or temporary.
Frame: A framed player will appear suspicious to Blue Dragon players investigating them (They appear as k/o Cultseen, or if they were already k/o, they will find them as s/i, and they appear as compatible with Cultseen and incompatible with BD. An Observer who follows a framed target will see them visiting a person who died that night, or else a random visit if no one died)
Heal: Healing a player will prevent their death and cure any bleeding.
Imprison: The Prince can imprison a player every night. They will not be able to use their abilities, and the Prince can anonymously communicate with them.
Conduit: The Mystic has the ability to link minds at night. Linked players are able to talk to each other.
Occupy: The act of preventing a player from using their ability at night. After being occupied or redirected 3 times, a player will become immune to both.
Occupy & Redirection Immune: Players who cannot be occupied or redirected. This can be permanent or temporary.
Redirect: The act of changing a player’s target at night. After being occupied or redirected 3 times, a player will become immune to both.
Royal Blood: Classes with this passive have votes for them to become King count twice.
Silence: A silenced player is unable to use their abilities for the rest of the day.
Unique: If a class is unique, that means there can only be one alive at a time.

All attacks on the target of Defend are blocked by Knight

I can reword it to make it more obvious
I didn’t want to tread on ‘prevented’ since we already use that word for visit prevention.

We had a knight defending some while Reaper was redirected towards him by a warlock, not two attacks and the reaper was dying of bleeding. Not assassin and reaper

Reeeee my hate-love to prevention

-Prevention is a rule term which was used before streamlining patch

-Lets take it and use it for a similiar matter but with completely different results

Like… huh?

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the main problem we had was when does he revive and does the revive cure bleeding