FoL Feedback Thread


Priest maybe should just get info about the night abilities + results of the classes which diedā€¦ instead of getting access to the dead chat

i believe gladiate is like chemotherapy. It can very effectively remove cancer (scum), however it damages healthy cells (town).
A ml for town on a miss gladiate is punishment enough if you also make the gladiator die then thatā€™s two town killed without a finger lifted for scum


then again i believe in tactical mislynching
so what do i know

this is arguably more busted than dead chat.
iā€™ll explain once on pc

Access of only town

guilt is a bad mechanic
limit uses instead

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Where is it chaotic? The way two different chats are implemented each night?

The flow of information doesnā€™t seem to be the problem then what is it?

(Speaking from experience playing as Mystic that happens to be in match with imperial chat and linking minds)

Yeah I get it.

Doesnā€™t make Priest also Investigative type rather than support?

So many SFoLs havenā€™t had conversion

That goes all the way back

I wasnā€™t implicitly endorsing the statement, I was giving an example of a statement that would fulfill the category of ā€˜constructive negative feedbackā€™

Ah okay

But like

To imply that SFoLs have to have more than FoL flavor is objectively and provably historically false


Then youā€™re arguing with Priestess, not me

I personally enjoyed SFoL 53 and think that it was obviously closest to an SFoL out of any of the possible categories

guilt works in turbo where the quality of play is much much lower. So you would have guilt to counter trolls.
In fol guilt is two deaths for the price of one which commonly swings games.
A 3-shot guiltless vig is something that iā€™ll take over an unlimited guilt vig

if anything is unclear just ask but i donā€™t see the need for guilt in FoL

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So you would say we only have high quality players who always try to play their best, always read the whole thread and donā€™t misplay?
The quality of the players here is definitely not very high. And if you balance for the high quality players, you just ignore the reality.

Or do I misunderstand you and your point is not ā€œturbos have bad players but we have good, so guilt is not neededā€

iā€™m implying we shouldnā€™t balance for the minority.
iā€™m not saying everyone is the top tier here, however most are better than your average tol player and know not to click buttons because they exist.
If you want to put guilt on that to discourage trolling thatā€™s valid in a turbo.
A townie dying when they donā€™t need to is punishment enough for town.
Removing guilt will make it more easy to fake claim as knights are stuck at cs to resolve and die due to scum redirect.

this doesnā€™t make sense prob so ask if i need to clarify


:thinking: what does make you believe this?

Thatā€™s just because Knight CS is redirectable in fol for some strange reason.

ā€¦I mean, we can debate what exactly causes this to be the case, but I regularly carry games in ToL and here Iā€™m nothing particularly special (and I know Iā€™m not the only person this is true of)

I tend to think that indicates that in some way forum players are higher-skill

see Marson. Do you think what happened there would happen if you just plopped your average tol player in there. The people here are mostly better than your average tol player. To say otherwise would be outlandishly false

i mean i think itā€™s better to punish obvious CSs
itā€™s almost as if night plans just allow scum counter play as they know exactly what townies are doing

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