FoL Feedback Thread

Sidenote: I really think reading the entire thread should be treated as a basic expectation

You signed up to play the game, you owe your fellow players at least that much

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Arete, do you have any idea how many players arenā€™t reading the whole thread at least once?
Okay, spamming the thread with off-topic or hyperposting doesnā€™t help here.
And you know that wallposts are only read by a few people, most will just skim it.
Just think about how many players really have read every single post in Forum Academia. Two? Three?

Sorry, whatā€™s Marson?

Was that the game where scum threw by conceding D2 or something like that?

I mean if We are comparing to ToL We dont need to read all the posts

Compared to tol, posts are the mechanics here

I know lots of people donā€™t read the thread

My position is that this is bad


And have you any idea how many people here donā€™t even know the mechanics of their own class?

That was the game where scum conceded D2, yes

The thing is that this mostly wasnā€™t due to bad scum play, but due to good town play

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Where are you seeing people not knowing the mechanics of their own class?

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Itā€™s actually a town sign hereā€¦ sigh

Ye Thats kinda the reason for higher lvl on Forum

Also about not reading posts We need to fix Ppl not voting in elections

People apparently just donā€™t care who gets king. At least BD doesnā€™t.
I really want to see a game where scum votes the Prince to king to make him useless.

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We tried that in FoL 24, it would have worked except that the hosts forgot he had Royal Blood


did you read the thread
we had the scum in an impossible to break PoE

iā€™m proud to say i got a wolf by his opening alone


Sorry, Iā€™m still in the tol mentality where giving up is always purposefully anti-wincon and therefore throwing, so I was confused that you brought up this game as sign for good plays

sometimes you need to give up

my point is that it wouldnā€™t have been able to be done like that by the average tol player. So from that i conclude that the average skill level of the forums are higher than tolā€™s

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Itā€™s an example of good townplay, not good scum play