FoL Feedback Thread

We are not talking about social play right now, we’re talking about mechanics and the mechanical skill level of the players :thinking:

social play is fundamental for good mechanical play

do i need to explain why or do we understand why

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Uh, I thought it’s the other way around, but that’s just me :wink:

For real, mechanics are pretty important even in fol
I’m known for my MM win without town having a single mislynch

please tell me your being sarcastic

No. You can deduce every evil, but still lose in FoL, because you fail to use your mechanics accordingly.

Priestess isn’t wrong


my point is if you want to have peak mechanical gameplay a good social game is a requisite.
A good grasp on what’s going on and who’s sus makes the game a ton easier

don’t disagree with this statement but failure on a mechanics pov is not the sole cause of lose

From my perspective, a good social play is only possible and only good, if you can base it on a solid mechanical play. I’ve seen some exceptional plays here, which were only possible, because the person did understand both his mechanics and how to deduce others on a social way.
… the truth is probably in the middle. You need both. You can be a good social player but still lose because your mechanical play sucks. You can be a good mechanical player but still lose because your social play sucks.

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to come back to the topic… a lot of forum players absolutely suck in the mechanics, I’ve just seen multiple hunters in FoL who were convinced that 1. they can attack at night or 2. they can bear and bleed on the same day/night cycle

Good social play allows you to make good mechanical plays

If you’re checking obvtown as an investigative, or protecting scum as a protective, that’s not going to help you


It’s the other way around tbh
Social play is useless as long as you can’t even read the abilities of your own classcard

As Danganrompa just showed u dont need a classcard to do good. Lol I didnt have 1 til n1


you realize that’s a faulty argument as you realize a majority of people know how classes work and people ask for clarification if they are unsure…


Luckily I had no day abilities but it sure did anger me

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Well even I don’t know how FoL works
There’re so many unclarities, it was really frustrating

then ask questions

Was this a mash

Because if so that’s entirely unrelated to the conversation at hand

No, as far as I know it wasn’t a mash, was a 20 player game with hard post restrictions

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