FoL Feedback Thread

I’m sure there’s some here and on ToS if anyone wants to do some easy digging

I’m doing an overhaul of FoL right now, mostly for clarifying and less for changes, but yeah, some classes need urgent changes, to make them more winnable… aka Alch, in lesser degree other classes too.
I am asking here because I want to know why things were done and changes were made in comparison to ToL. I don’t want to accidentally take something important away.

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If I may make a suggestion Priestess, before posting your overhaul can you try and make a summary here so that way people can vote on them or at least provide their feedback on it before it is posted?

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I will. I need a bit of time still, I don’t wanna rush it, and wanna let some other people looking over it too first. I’m gonna try to be as transparent as possible. And I am interested in getting feedback for it by you guys, but only if it tries to be constructive feedback. A simple “no”, doesn’t help much, a “lmao don’t change that or I quit” is kinda… yeah… not helpful.
I’m looking forward not to simply opinions like “no”, I’m looking for answers like “no, because”.


win rate is zero for nk orange, you must be very salty



When I’m not a zombie on tortoise data I promise I’ll be more helpful

Look I spent the last few minutes trying to find relevant stuff and came kinda close I guess


Just thought to say thank you there Priestess. What you are doing is good and I do hope that things haven’t stressed you out here with the simpler answers in this first event.

Hopefully we will have longer answers on laptop by then. I’m in Uni doing this atm because serving the community is great imo.


Also can someone tell me what’s the problem with confirming a certain neutral killer is in the game if the neutral killer has a powerful ability but it confirms them.

Let’s say reaper could use souls to reap someone’s soul so everyone is notified that player is reaped, won’t go to dead chat, and can’t vote but counts for majority


If it’s an option the player can choose to make, why not?

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I think what FK is getting at (And correct me if I’m wrong FK), we can experiment here with power levels. To see what works and what doesn’t.
This does indirectly connect in with Priestess’ things which are based on win-percentages.

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time to make a juggernaut based NK :^)

Maybe a little late, but though I don’t play Mafia that much, from experience in forum games before for a solo player to have 20% win rate is ridiculous. The social nature of mafia game is more prominent in forum version due to the long time for interactions. For a NK to have 20% win rate means they have ability so powerful that they could still win despite being found out late game or that having their role revealed doesn’t involve their chance of winning.

Refer to my Revenant game muahahaha


And mine too.

Thing is I’m a neutral so bad I was locktown Fool

For me to survive to last four is unimagineable

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yea, to have ~15 players lose every five games is fucking ridiculous.

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I’m all for a 1/6 winrate.
I think 1/5 is the tiniest bit high


1/16 would be perfect balance but would still be to low in the fun department(even though neuts are the best to play/kill). Maybe 1/8 prob would be the best levels of fun/balance. I think anything above is way overpowered but extremely fun.

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You have to give some leniency as neutrals have a huge impact on the Neutral Killer’s chances at winning. That is one of the reasons NK is very hard to balance.

I think the best way to balance NK would be by giving it a very high power to skill cap (Trash if you’re trash, but an excellent play will reward you greatly) unlike assassin who is a medium power low skillcap who’s best plays come easily however with low advantage.

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If winning as NK is “impossible”, why not change the win con?