[FoL] FoL 22 - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

Remove starting king, have a king election D1.
(Not a serious suggestion.)

Mechancially speaking
Slamming King isn’t what you want out of a lynch at least early on
The penalty is small right now, as it should be

oh wait there’s the problem

nevermind it’s people relying on mechanics instead of executing scum

evil king is swingy as the players let it be

Also I think this statement is false. Mechanically speaking killing an evil king and electing an BD king is +ev for town than lynching scum for information. Change my mind

The punishment is losing royal blood. That’s fair.

I thought it was losing a day still it’s fair

it’s the players who make evil king such a problem

Talking about this here gives me a bunch of ideas on how to FPS in this game btw

I’m talking about removing kp and reducing PoE

Sounds like salt to me

+2 scum votes is not worth reducing POE or KP.

I haven’t been in a game here for months.

I’m saying the problem is the players

not the evil king

Especially with power roles

Lynching possible Evil King isn’t as good as lynching potential Scum/NK candidate in early game and that’s the main problem.
The truth is Starting Evil King is a Lost Wolf that barely can cause any harm to BD until Late Game when BD lost majority.
Even if BD suspects that King is evil as long as they manage to get rid off Evil Faction and NK, it’s inrelevant what is the King’s alignment as unless BD are completely stupid, they should be able to figure out why the game still didn’t end.

You all under estimate evil king and I’m laughing rn

Give me an example when it mattered in early game then we can talk.

Firekitten, if you aren’t playing FoL, this all shouldn’t be a problem for you.
Also please don’t try to dominate the discussion alone through talking a lot, that’s not productive.

I care about this community, that alone gives me the right to tell people my opinion. Right now my mind is racing with balance scenarios which is why you keep seeing me talk in small posts

I’m piecing together my thought processes as I go along