[FoL] FoL 22 - The Blue Dragon and Scorned Win!

Agree over me and Mincin while disagree with Wazza and Launch I mean

Something really feels wrong in this thread movement. I’ll have to check out what.

If Alice is scum, shed be careful with her associations. Her disagreeing on you and Mincin could be a distancing tactic.

Check quickly because we got 5 hours and night actions to coordinate.

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If me and Alice are on the same scum team:

Then what the hell is EotW? Ruling out being Town, they could only be neutral, but then why would they act to suggest they are evil? Unless EotW is Sellsword (Which would be the ONLY neutral that would make sense) they have to be on the scum team.

So unless you’re willing to believe that

A: Jake is Scum
B: Alice is Scum
C: EotW is SS

That means that EotW suggesting an unseen game would be outside the realm of reality. So, if EotW is Scum, then That means that A or B has to be false. That does not disprove that both A and B are false, but it would disprove one of them. If EotW is scum, then it wouldn’t be too hard to consider Alice as sort of a “Pushback” scum, who fights with EotW.

Is that your defense, saying that others (who you know aren’t scum) are scum and thats why you can’t be scum :eyes:

Strange move for a town.

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(Talking about EotW)

How hard is it to say that EotW is just a kind of neutral?(fool that accidentally outed without reading his class properly)

If we assume EotW is unseen, his evil buddy is doing a good job distancing themselves

Fool would be the only other class that they could be, but that would be unlikely if they claimed fool

(and if you are wondering, I have read the other messages that were happening while I was away, I’m still processing it RN)

Answer this, please.

#1 would definitley be EotW
#2 Would be Possessed/Alice
#3 would be Htm

They are getting jailed.

They are the King.

You didn’t answer the 2nd part of that question.

Quick question: How do you embed a quote that someone else quoted into your own quote?

Higlight something and it shows a [Quote] button.

^ This is not what I want

Oooh, /shrug, no idea lmao.

@EndOfTheWorld Can you help me with this since you’ve done it?