[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!


Vote Alice, she slipped as MM.

Dude what.

I read the thread. Explain yourself before I vote you, @Kape

Pro-gamer move, as I said.

I want @Alice to confirm jail quotes before I vote up @kape but as of right now it’s looking very likely that we kill the king today


Okay… it’s time. I’m outing myself as Sellsword. With Evil King, we have numbers. If you are scum, like I am, VOTE THE PRINCE. Huzzah!

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Hjasik on sent me the following message.

Class: Hunter


Mind bleeding Tele?

Only 1 Wolf.

Did I call it or did I call it?

Unseen outted too early.

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Vote Alice.

Yeah… I’m trying to do a pro gamer move at this point. If it is the wrong decision, I apologize.

/vote Alice


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3 votes. Scum snipe this trial please.

Unseen might as well just out now.

I think they have numbers…RIP

Yeah Unseen should just Out

@Maxwell are you my MM?

…I can’t fucking believe that Lymphoma was a real Maid. OMGUSing your check n1, and then not actually playing them game was just fucking unbelievable.

Only way we win here FMPoV is if Unseen failed their conversion 2 nights in a row.

Still doesn’t explain why nobody has voted me so far outside of the SS and EK, though, so we may still win.

/vote kape