[FoL] FoL23 - Day 4 - The Unseen and the Fool win!

I’m still voting for the supposed EK

If she’s not, real Prince jails her anyway. Eevee was stupid enough to make the claim…I doubt Alice does the same.

unless real prince is dead

That’s exactly why I am suggesting it. Eevee set the bar and if it’s convenient for @Alice to play the same game why wouldn’t she?


@Alice can you tell me exact what you told me in jail and what I told you


It’s not stupid if she was converted N1 and it allows her Assassin to be free from jail

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If you guys trust me, I think it’d be more pro-active to up MM, deb Dat into King and jail-exe convert. Its literally GG that way by tomorrow; I don’t think Sage can WoF a King but I know they can on anyone else.

Unless you’re wrong. You’re going on the assumption that I know everything that happened in the thread. I didn’t fucking know that I was supposed to fucking do something to confirm myself. Please stop that.

If we listen to you evils will have majority tomorrow. Derp already said that he asked Priestess and she confirmed you can’t WoF your own Assassin. That means that you still didn’t HH the Assassin like you were supposed to, and I couldn’t have prevented it. So explain that…

Please stop with the moon theories. Can you explain a Demon, who is death immune, being dead?

Gee wonder what that means.

Derp is MM
Dat is assassin
Tele is convert

I believe that Prince is alive. As long as Alice has quotes from the jail conversation with H_Hja she is confirmed Prince and I’ll believe it. Otherwise, Prince is hiding somewhere else.

Also means im dead to bleed tomorrow.

Unless my boy @Maxwell is ready to prove himself.

Im a honest man

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Yeah 2 new players in the basement. Makes sense. You like to put suspicion on the LHF that’s for sure.

Dat the true MVP making it easy for us.

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LOL. You are not getting healed. @Maxwell yeah don’t heal this.

Who you, the one who is lying about mechanical information and coming up with bogus theories?

Or Derp, who is sheeping you?