[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 (16/16)

i am consenting but in a signup thread is not the place for it

Then ask them through another medium.

that’s why we want them here

I’m more than willing to make a group dm to talk lol

I’ll happily be added to it. And I can answer questions and share experiences too.

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Best move

Add everyone in forum to DM

Actually rules also hold in private messages. :man_shrugging:

Not in discord dm’s

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Add me pls

Exactly another medium. :wink:

Shhhhhh let them do it, in dm’s it’s way better than here :wink:

Too bad moderators can’t see into private messages that no one reports a post in

Would be a bloody shame if that happened


I trust basically everyone on this forum a ton, some more than my IRL friends.
Why else would I have shared so much about my life already


I disagree in two ways. One that was blatantly in the OP of the game and was a major rule, what you are proposing isnt in the OP as of my knowledge. And seems like either host dissonance or trying to get a rule changed.

Two it almost never happened before even in Eevees and Luxys games. If those are the two ur going by. You seem to be the only case of my knowledge where it happened. But that rule was also in the OP. The other case you brought up on Maxi. If a paragraph is added that’s not a quick edit. That’s just an edit at that point. Idc if the system doesnt beleive it. We should make the rule changed yes to allow typo fixing and small additions at max like 5 words or a sentence. No removal.

Big Reaper is watching you.

That’s what I’m saying. I’m more than okay keeping with this if this is how it’s always been, Please just define it in the rules.

I’d let people quick-edit typoes.
But then again, I’m the type of host to paste messages from spectator chat and preach about how much moderrors I’ve done.

Oceania anthem plays

