[FoL] Forum of Lies 24 - Night 3 (11/16) - Completed - The Unseen and the Warlock Win!

Yes, but a knight would do jack shit to the MM

also, if we don’t lynch MM here, then scum can’t convert tonight

Kinda just came to this realization.

This proves Arete is not scum but legit Drunk claim, despite the evidence pinned on him D1/N1

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I want to lynch MM here.

But i’m saying if we don’t.

If that were to believe we going to lynch MM, it should be Alexej, not Jgoesgaming.

Considering that however,

I-Iv defended him the entire game

okay yeah i actualy don’t see being converted here. That was my biggest fear.

If we lynch MM, jake is assa jail exed and derps is wiped out by poss

if we lynch town, scum can’t convert if unseen

and if cult, either way, jake has to be CL and will be jailed.

so with this plan, as long as we are right, conversion isn’t a problem

Jailed in every way, yes.

I think we either lynch Jake and jailexe Alex, or lynch Alex and jailexe Jake

does anyone have serious objections to this plan?

also if we lynch Jake and he flips groupscum as opposed to NK then I definitely plan to HH Derps here, otherwise I’m less sure if that’s optimal

Reaction Testing is over, and I’m a knight. I didn’t ever like Marshal, so I went for a CS on them N1. They didn’t die, so I CSed them again, which in turn killed Luxy via Arete.

lynch alex, jailexe jake.

i think jake has to be assa or CL here. and both are a better jail.

nice try nerd.

where’d ya soft it.

Now you can either believe me and kill marshal, or you can kill me and then jail exe Marshal.

thinking face


We now have 3 Knight claims.

The ToL player in me is currently hyperventilating.

do i or do i not

why did both NK and scumteam fail kill then, jake?

Agree with this. I oddly enough think Alex is the MM and JGoes is the Assassin.

Could also be my confirmation bias.