[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

/vote Blizer

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

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I left you all for like 5 minutes…


I can HH Ami tonight so that if she’s Cult she can’t do anything tonight

@veryunsubtleObserversoftclaim feel free to track me/watch her :upside_down_face:

why cant I catch softs

I wouldn’t mind an observer following me either for that matter.

Tbh we can technically just do multi-track drifting and lynch gorta/Frost and shoot the other.

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This doesn’t work if you’re converted


but ami is bd

okay but I’m not converted, so

you are now.

I converted you, don’t play dumb :angry:

/vote Arete

/vote italy


italy still hasn’t posted

so like

@Italy post

Oh, I’m playing Minecraft with him.


Frankly I kind of wanted to RT you but knowing how you acted in that HoB game pretty much means that you may just act the same regardless of your alignment.

/vote gorta

/vote gorta
You’re redchecked, defend yourself

what sort of reaction were you expecting to get from a single vote


that RT sucks

well it doesn’t matter since I was gonna shoot you anyways

I meant doing a fake red or stuff like that.