[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

Just don’t respond, simple.

Vote Count

Voted Votee Votes
Ami CRichard, Feathering 2/9
Italy Jane, TheBlueElixir 2/9
Blizer Arete, Blizer 2/9
FrostWolf103 ModeShifter 1/9
Katze Katze 1/9
Marshal Marshal 1/9
an_gorta_pratai Alice, Amelia 2/9
Not Voting ATNoName, an_gorta_pratai, FrostWolf103, Italy, Ami, 5

Let me know if I miss anything :slight_smile:

I love me a split vote

/vote Ami

Italy should not be a wagon here.

That’s a lot of wagons right now.

…for scientific reasons: @Italy, do you have a gun?

/vote CRichard

Go Commit Die

italy may or may not have a gun

take this gun then

italy may or may not now have two guns

Hmm, if you have a vig, I’d advise you not use it tonight.

You’re getting visited tonight. :slight_smile:

Blizer’s ISO is 100x better after openwolving

he is a chad lolcat


you weren’t even on the vote wagon for Blizer

I know

but Italy posted


i spent the last 10 hours playing minecraft and will probably spend the next 5 hours playing more minecraft


what are you even doing there

Actually, @Arete

Your reaction to my fake bleed today was atrocious.

Your entire D3 has been atrocious.

/vote gorta

Ami should not be a wagon here.

trying to fuck up the ender dragon

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