[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

next is Possessed

Possessed … has yet to make a single read this game (despite being a player who I know is capable of doing so)

the sum total of his contribution is basically bringing up the change in CRich’s writing style:

complaining about being volume read:

and complaining about kat’s post saying he’s likely MM if it’s an Unseen game (note that he doesn’t actually make a conclusion on kat’s alignment of any form)


this is a stronger scumlean for me

both because of the volume tells thing (I acknowledge that he says he has real life circumstances, but when you have someone who strategically posts less as scum and has acknowledged that they post less as scum, who is posting less than normal, that is Kind Of Notable) and because of the fact that they literally have not done anything to advance the gamestate – they shade kat but never make a read on him, they bring up CRich’s possible tonal shift but never use that to read him, etc.

I get that Possessed does the ‘doing scummy things to not get converted’ thing sometimes but … this does not seem to be what he’s doing? like, he brought that up in e.g. Randomizer, but in Randomizer he was in fact doing things whatsover

Why arete’s vibe is terrible: A story

When arete is villager, it’s not difficult to see. I can look at a lot of games and go "the things arete is saying is from a villager™. Here i’m not seeing them.

Even when i’m being pushed I can look for those vibes and honestly it’s incredibly lacking. Arete’s vibe is much more malicious than the town!arete I feel like i’m used to. I feel like arete is in a “shoot first, ask questions later” mindset, and honestly do not think Arete actually wishes to interact with my slot or make much of a genuine attempt to solve it.

That’s the fairly clear difference between arete wolfgames and arete towngames

arete wolfgames will be arete shoving out reads and not trying to come to them. really kind of just an aggressive force who knows how to and can push agenda

Arete towngames have a clear cut and logical thought process and for every read you can see exactly how and why arete made a read.

Arete wolfgames are also a lot more performative than village games in a way where arete will try to go about solving or making a read in a grandiose way.

Right now arete feels a looot more like the first one. I can’t understand their thought process a lot of the time and even when I do it doesn’t seem to come from a place of solving

Like for example a village arete here would almost always ask me why on my reads instead of posting this

and only did so when I prompted them to

Early on arete has thrown out a lot of reads

but not really done much to try to solve slots. Not asking the questions i’d expect from arete.

There’s some questions there (that aren’t rhetorical or do nothing for gamestate)

[quote=“Arete, post:465, topic:82131, full:true”]

These 2 are the only ones I can really see as solving questions

but one is basically asking to grab a quote and the other is pointing out a Typo so it’s nothing wolf!arete can’t do.


Arete is putting forth a lot of reads and strong opinions but not showing much of an effort at all to actually solve the game or come to / flesh out those opinions, which is much more indicative of wolf!arete.

If arete is a villager i’ll know by EoD and y’all will too

but rn I don’t think so

next is Merc

Merc had an early post that pinged me (and, like, everyone else in thread) for looking super performative

however, I think her later posts improved a lot
this post:

seemed like a fairly villagery read in that she’s displaying a strong depth of thought by looking beyond “basic” tells into trying to substantially analyze what Alice (I think?) is doing and looking at more in-depth things like how people in the thread are reacting to Alice’s read, and how exactly Alice is reading people, both of which display a greater depth of thought than Merc typically has as wolf

additionally I thought this string of posts were really villagery:

specifically, I think the way she starts off thinking Blizer is scum based on his push on Blue, then stops halfway through, reevaluates, and starts looking at Blue instead displays a lack of agenda

if Merc were scum here I would expect her to be going into her read on Blizer/Blue knowing what conclusion she wanted to draw, rather than changing what angle she was pushing halfway through the post (based on how the post was written it can’t be a ‘she switched tacks because she got resistance’ scenario since … she switched partway through a post), so the fact that she clearly came out in a very different way than she started makes me think she’s a villager

this slot is a townread at this point

now because arete is competent enough to combat this i’ll ask 2 questions

  1. Is my tonal/viberead wrong as arete the player in general (this game), and why/how
  2. Is there significant evidence of arete making a genuine attempt to understand the game (with an observable thought process most likely)

If you can answer yes to either of these with the required evidence then yes feel free to call my read OMGUS or whatever

next is Frost

Frost is actually just a guaranteed wolf if they don’t post by EoD

in several months of playing with them I have not been able to find a more reliable tell than ‘if Frost doesn’t post on D1 they’re a wolf, if they do, even if their posts feel like they were written by a space alien, they’re probably a villager’

like this seriously borders on a trust-tell with how consistently not extant they are as a wolf on D1

are you asking me or are you asking other not-me people

but if not

please stop calling my fucking read OMGUS

just because I wolfread a player who said they scumread me first does not automatically make it OMGUS

anyone who wants to try to disprove the case.

That… is the joke

I need answers
I have snuck a phone into bed so that my parents cant yell at me anymore

And frankly
I dont see the big reveal
My original reads were accurate.

All i see from your ISO is giving reads and being “helpful”, a common towntell

However that push on me was abysmally weak, and yet you still try and make yourself seem the larger man.

Such behavior clearly indicative efforts to mislynch reveal your previous towntells to be deepwolf tells

First off, your case on me. It’s just this:

You were scumreading me for:

  1. My entrance, which you kindly point out that ive done it before as town
  2. Slanking

So like
What even is this “push”
And why are you calling my scumlean on you OMGUS, when there’s not even a solid case against me

You’re making it seem as if im a lost child getting angry at you pushing me
Look at your “push” at me again and tell me

  1. Is this genuinely what i belive
  2. Am i looking at things correctly

If you’re town, please look again at who’s pushing who. Right now i see a pushing of a false narrative.

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this isn’t really relevant to your actual case but I find this sentence funny in light of the fact that made you randomly OMGUS me reevaluate your read for totally legitimate, definitely-not-OMGUS reasons was me asking you a question about one of your reads

that was a shade

arete i’ve always had this read
I’ve literally said it and can give posts where i’ve said the things there
I just put it forward in a wallpost to end the notion that it was OMGUS

it was a question that was shading you

it was actually a real question that I wanted an answer to


I do actually think I’m asking fewer questions than I do normally, as you pointed out

but like … the main reasons for that are (a) that I’m trying to hyperpost less, so I’m trying to make sure that my questions are actually useful, (b) I spent several hours semi-out of the thread and couldn’t interact in real time with people

also … I ask questions as a wolf, like, to the point that ‘lots of useless questions that don’t go anywhere’ is actively a scumtell for me

Crcih has said “i dont like marshal’s vibe, it feels like it doesnt come from town marshal”

Marshal has said “i don tlike arete’s vibe, ot feels like it doesnt come from town arete”

Im fairly certain that such types of reads a) come from wolves or b) wrong unless in some extremely rare cases

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yes but it still isn’t one that I think was genuinely made in an attempt to solve

instead of going the route of “what are some of the reasons for this read” you decided to throw out that shade

and my original response treated that post as “marshal is doing omgus marshal bad” and my inevitably wallpost was out of annoyance of being shaded, not becuase I felt compelled to answer your questions.

…i’ve given a very detailed case for you to read that picks apart exactly what about arete’s vibe is not good with posts

it’s more than just a thrown-out read, its a goddamn case

… you seriously think i havent read that

Your entire point was litterally “this doesnt feel like town arete” with examples

Im pointing out that most often these changes in behavior have many confounding variables that render such analyses often inaccurate

then prove that it is innacurate (or has reasonable doubt of it’s accuracy) as detailed in question 1 or shut it

the parenthesis should be (not this game)


is my reasoning that town arete and wolf arete have these vibes incorrect/has reasonable doubt

I dont think in required to do that since im not calling it OMGUS :stuck_out_tongue:

In all sincerity, i dont believe that such a thing is possible - how will you be able to tell the differnce between scumminess and mood swings?

My second point is that people are good enough. Both you and arete are (probably) good enough players to be able to emulate towny behavior as any alignment - as such, “this player is acting differently” frankly doesnt make a comprlling scumtell.

This kinda feels like fluffposting, so ill stop. Baseline opinion: i get that you’re suspicious of arete, but im not sold

If such changes are obvious scumtells d1
Wouldnt they have fixed it by now
Thats my argument :stuck_out_tongue: