[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

Actually, gamer move would have been to claim Priest, cheese.


A list of factions that have dayocc

neutral non-killer
neutral killer


then get caught in a lie and you know the rest :^)

Never said it was smart, but itā€™d be gamer.

everyone and their mother has day-occ

it doesnā€™t prove you

and day-occing the fucking mystic of all ppl is kinda ehhh

Then he claims Prince after claiming Priest after claiming Alchemist


Speaking of day-occing PRs, Iā€™m gonna dayocc the Prince real quick to prove myself as town. Please believe me.

ā€¦I should probably quit the memeing. Iā€™ve been doing good this game :upside_down_face:

Well, Iā€™m going to bed rn.

Pretty much confident in my towncore of Arete(I have my reasons)/Cloned/TBE/Mode/Marshal/Amelia/ATNN/CRich/Feather with Katze closed up.

I just want to sort out the remaining slots.


Put me in allies with someone from the above group, Iā€™d rather be Marshal.

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it proves not starting scum
currently enough to make you ppl question ameilia

ā€¦this is a gamer moment.

This wasā€¦ a typo.

I really need to go to bed.


cloned locktown


both amelia and I are in this list
logic dictates that one of us is lying
unless amelia wants to rescind, which they have refused

/vote Amelia

cloned was earlier on my sheep list

amelia caught scum

Normally Iā€™d say your insistence is towny, but like


It doesnā€™t.

no it doesnā€™t

starting invoker literally has this

or if you converted and invoker they could just use it and you say itā€™s from you

ā€¦it was a typo.

Your reaction here has just been downright horrible towards the check, and Amelia not budging on her checkā€™s basically whatā€™s making me believe her.

Oh shet itā€™s the dybuposting

How can I ever contest the dybuposting

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this game feels like a mash sometimes

kill people

someone fill me in on this

isnā€™t converted roles not possible as starting scum