[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

This is actually secretly a bastard mash

/ITA cloned


ok what do you think the starting roles for cult are

clonedcheese has died!

They were the:
fucking tavernkeeper

ā€¦I kinda need to play more ToL
thought that cult had an assassin equivalent

so it doesnā€™t confirm me of anything
i still maintain that I am the tavernkeeper and amelia is lying


im a GI justiciar

every time I hammer a paladin I win

yeahhh i just realized that
ppl be calling me invoker and i was like ā€œwait invoker canā€™t be starting scoomā€

Anyways, I need to sleep.

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You know, I think cheese might actually be telling the truth. :^)

if your town

give us reads

so when you flip we donā€™t fall apart tomorrow

well itā€™s pretty clear who scoom are

amelia because duh
CRich since why the hell would amelia be pushing me otherwise
find the last person

If Amelia is false we are still in a good enough spot to deal with them


Itā€™s possible if itā€™s a cult game

Which it is
Because Paladins only spawn in cult games

I didnā€™t know that


the day still has about 12 hours left

lets do nothing with it

We have plenty of time to discuss and I plan to do some reads (or try to)

bit surprised we havenā€™t had a hunter bleed yet

since only bleed on kat

and since scoom already bled it could(mostly) confirm a hunter/demon being in play

Give me 3 names to read, I was going to do Ami, Blizer, and Merc, but give me some names

Eh, might be no Hunters ā€“ they might not want to use their bleeds this hastily :eyes:

Besides, in a Cult game; Acolyte can be a 2nd scum bleed.

merc is now unnecessary

seeing as im already locktown, try Modeshifter