[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

this is a great way to get bountied

if you don’t want to share your nulls, don’t. It makes it significantly harder to read you if you wont give reads

also im done defending my slot til hopefully d2

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where did you soft it

I didn’t.

There was no RT.

You’re stuck here now :slight_smile:

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If I share my Townleans and Scumleans then wouldn’t that just show my Nulls anyway? Either way I’ll go indepth with my Townlean and Scumlean, give me a moment.

please just post like a normal person

I’d argue I’m posting more like a normal person now than I do normally?

you know what I mean

do you think youll be a target because you nulled scum?

I don’t see how your nulls can incriminate you

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Do you feel boxed in by my play?

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a little bit

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the problem people were having with the TBE post earlier is that it was trying to present itself as a readlist when it was mostly filled with nulls

saying ‘I read Player A as town because X, and Player B as scum because Y’ is … fine? there’s nothing wrong with having nulls, we’re 2.5 hours into D1

Null reads seem pointless. Specifically stating that someone is ‘Null’ without saying ‘Oh it’s a mix of a townread and a scumread as this player has done both’ seems pointless to me. Like you saying that they’ve only had a low amount of posts.

I’ll be less intimidating then by announcing my departure.

:joy_cat: You are no longer being boxed in :joy_cat:

yes. So you think nulls are pointless. We still all have nulls. Why do you think people know which people are your nulls is a bad thing?

this comes off as you don’t want people to know who your nulls are


Similar opener to TBE from imo, as both of you stated that you are trying something new in regards to your playstyle.

the announcement of the vote feels similar in tone to how i read TBE with his posts, but it does generate discussion and puts the spotlight on you.

The following two posts in response to you not knowing there was no lynch today feels natural, and does not feel out of place.

your later responses still feels natural, there is not anything pinging me hard from anything you said (Aside from your vote earlier, but that was before your response to others)

This is a solid response overall, you properly explain your thought process and why you tried to vote mode. I see nothing wrong from it and it feels towny imo.

Naive way of thinking, but i dont really see scum saying this tbh.

The post i responded to you about.

Not pingy in anyway, and you explain your read well. V vibes from it.

Response to my post. solid and to the point. Your question to TBE is also decent, and it feels natural to me.

Again, tone of this post is good, content is solid, and thought process in regards to TBE doesnt feel off.

Overall, your tone is good, thought process feels natural to me, nothing sticks out heavily outside of your opener and your vote, which you explained quite well, and it shows what you were thinking toward Mode v Alice, and why you wanted to put a vote on mode. Village Lean.

I’m on about stating your nulls. Below your readlist post you stated that these players weren’t on there as they’re zeroposters, but in the same post you posted Nulls who had ‘Lowposts’ I don’t know why you couldn’t just categorize them in the same thing.

This post reeks of someone who ISOed TheBlue just to accuse him. Blue’s post on the second one was the first time someone touched on Katze’s claim. I believe Blue is LHF/new enough on FM that it can be passed over.

Hard agree on the “trying to be serious” everything (principally complaining about fluff when there was almost none), though. His reaction was awful too.

Getting very defensive when accused is mostly a wolf thing. I agree with Blizer here.

Breaking the reaction test before it was done is really weird indeed. For him to do it he would either need to think the reaction test was completely worthless and unpurposeful or not need it for himself. For what he answered it does not feel like the first option, as if I didn’t knew you couldn’t Grand Trial day 1 (I did not until he explained it) the test would still be valid.
@Blizer Do you think this very single post spews TMI on Blue’s part?

Im not talking about my reads bud

read my question

I like how I ISOed Blizer to read Blizer and ended up reading Blue instead.