[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

which post were you saying shows TMI (and why)?

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tbe/feather w

ez game ez life

Townlean: - Iā€™m not the type of guy to jump on things.
Alice - While I donā€™t know how to read Alice much, her attitude during today seems Towny and from where I came from sheā€™s been acting with Town motives and wanting Town to stay on track. Additionally I read that Town initiative and she didnā€™t seem pleased that some people werenā€™t following what was recommended in there which would only usually come from a Town. She clearly wants Town to try and win instead of messing themselves up and ultimately losing.

TheBlueElixer - His readlist post earlier striked me as pointless, especially the stating the Nulls part which just seemed like he wanted to expand his readlist to make it seem like he was doing something, which is in my eyes a scummy move. Additionally, he barely bothered to explain his Townleans/Townreads and mostly just stated ā€˜I agreed with their vote, fight meā€™ which seems like a horrible example and a horrible reason to think someone is Town. If someone is tunnelling another person that you agree with, thatā€™s a reason. But that wasnā€™t what was stated.

Also I read my posts from earlier and the replies.

I wasnā€™t on about classes at the time, I was on about accusations. My bad.

Iā€™ve played FM before.


my sweet sweet summer child

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Congrats, those read are bound to change very quickly

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I know, but people asked for them so I decided to explain them in detail, something I still believe BlueElixer should do.

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Why would he ask TBE for more?

He wouldnā€™t ask TBE for more, hes gonna get more info from TBE naturally.

I asked TBE to explain his reads or to just not post them with the amount of Nulls he decided to put an explanation on.

He couldā€™ve easily categorized it:
ā€˜Any players not on this are either low posters, zero posters, myself or have no content.ā€™
Explaning some Null reads are fine, but all of them ainā€™t.

I have no idea how new TBE is to the site, and how many games hes played in. He should not have brought it up though at all, as the discussion that will follow (As we saw with Mode v Alice regarding it)
can lead to bad results.

All i will say is thats how i see the post, and what i felt from reading it.

This one. Screenshooted because I canā€™t jump to it from Blizerā€™s wall.

Bluebroke the reaction test very deliberatedly for nothing.

For someone to break a reaction test, one of three things:

  • They legitimately think that the person doing the test is mistaken. This would come off as an explanation directly to Jane. ā€œYou canā€™t Grand Trial day 1.ā€
  • They think the test is absolutely worthless, too obvious to achieve anything. Usually comes in frustration. An example is any old game with Marshal where people told him to shut up on his 3rd redcheck or so. This is always done on purpose to ruin the test.
  • They do not need the test for already having a strong bias on the other personā€™s alignment. This is always done on purpose to ruin the test.

First option is eliminated. Now we have to analyze 2 and 3.
By what he saidā€¦ Posting it again, here.

He thinks that the test is worthless because if I know and donā€™t say anything about it, the test will be invalid. He could, on all universes, wait for me to answer the test before saying this, since there was a chance of me replying as if I did not knew how King worked.

Pro-tip: I said at least two times on this game already I have no bloody idea how FoL works. I donā€™t even know which neutral classes there can spawn or that if you can or not vote day 1. It was completely plausible for me not to know how grand trial worked.

Even if he says something pointing at #2, you can see by analysis that #2 would be nonsense. Only the 3rd bullet point would be remaining. And his reads were not strong until now for him to have absolute confidence I was such a power townie, neither the tone of his reply.
So the test is useless to him because he knows my alignment not by deducion, but by information. And is trying to look like he does not.

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  • They did not realise I wanted to pressure you.

This would be #1.

But the way he replied, he knew it was a reaction test before he broke it.

So it canā€™t be #1.

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Hey just in general if possible like use the quoting system over screenshottingā€¦ General warning for like everyone


Iā€™m not sure if I agree with this read but I think itā€™s villagery (based on how sheā€™s trying to analyze the question of whether TBE had TMI on her slot ā€“ sort of like the reasons Alice gave earlier for clearing kat)

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How good of a wolf would you say Mercenary is?

Honestly, Thats actually a really good line of thinking, and it does make my scumlean on TBE become a scumread looking back at it, because your right, he knew that was a reaction test, yet he decided to stop it anyway, which by itself looks quite scummy, and now looking back at it with this in mind, i agree with you, this looks like TMI tbh.

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Iā€™ve seen her play as scum twice, the first time she was an obvious wolf D1 and got lynched D1 with me trying to CFD off of her because Iā€™m bad, the second time she was an obvious wolf D2 and got lynched D3 (and the only reason she didnā€™t get lynched D2 was because of her partner faking a redcheck on a villager) (she was somewhat villagery D1 in the second game)

Can you link me this game? I also think their posts have improved but I donā€™t know how paranoid I should be.