[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)

it does make sense

just shade me for not doing it when you wont do it either

just donā€™t*

well now it comes off as sarcastic


You mean the game he was scum siding Senex. I should thank him if I havenā€™t done so. He was so good for Unseen.

I said your opening and earlier posts were scummy, but personally I am conflicted on your slot and I never shaded you for not wanting to speculate much (if I have then I didnā€™t intend it)

but I will be back in a bit

Did you try to read me, or did you just give up before you started because you historically donā€™t consider yourself capable of it?

If the former, why did you end at this conclusion, and if the latter, why not try?

I simply said what I think about your slot. I will try to read you better later, as thatā€™s something I should try to learn.

I wanted to comment on the whole Arete/Katze/Marshal thing

might I ask if you have any more solid reads

what do you think of merc?

if you have to go you can respond later

Those are just the big ones, but I will get to whoever people think I should try later

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My reads should get better later, but this is only d1.

I have enough to work a little bit on, but not enough to say something with that much confidence

The same as i read other people. Speaking of which, I donā€™t think these two slots are starting group scum.
Their posts donā€™t show signs of being rehearsed, which should be there if either one of them were starting group scum.

I think your standards are a bit low here, tbh.

Feather has claimed that he has previous experience in FM and the other one doesnā€™t really seem to be interested to talk about their experience. Thinking Feather may be V for other reasons, tho.

Gorta is probably a townie here. Iā€™ve noticed that Gorta is good at reading people as town, even though he isnā€™t good at expressing them in his posts.

This wall post in particular is what Iā€™'m talking about.

oh yeah and feathering

answer these ^^^

this isnā€™t an answer to my question

Has Feathering said which other Mafia games heā€™s played? I might have missed them. Let me see if he has.


That answers my question. Very well thanks TBE.

read AtNoNames (admittedly short) ISO.

Some bits I liked but feels generally disconnected from the thread.

donā€™t like total

ā€˜want moreā€™