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I thought I would like games with conversion, but after playing 1.5 game that had it – it felt pretty bad.

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also i’m glad that prince yeeted merc

people were like “ah no we should let her live she’s just unconvertable phys plz neutrals can i suck your toes more”

like fuck that if someone claims neut they get pronce’d


He was in our sights literally ~200 posts in?
We were quite disappointed that no one except for Arete tried to push him.

I literally predicted she’d flip NK after Cloned’s flip lmao.


okay i had a decent reason to think merc was real

merc claimed to target alice, so did wazza
i bus drove alice + blizer n1
if merc was 3/5 NKs, she would have not been redirected while wazza would have

except loliceward

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Going to check who I cleared as starting cult in FoL 28.

This slot is probably not group scum. At worst he is probably a lost wolf as his posts don’t show signs of being coached on how to write to not stand out for the wrong reasons.

The same as i read other people. Speaking of which, I don’t think these two slots are starting group scum.
Their posts don’t show signs of being rehearsed, which should be there if either one of them were starting group scum.

people seem to trust neutral claims way too much

that’s an exaggeration but it annoys me


neuts = policy axe FMPoV

Hard agree.
You saw how fast I submitted my execute on Cloned when he claimed Neutral lmao.

Neuts – especially openclaiming neuts – should be thrown into the bin asap.


i wasn’t ever fully against the merc jail exe

but i still believed the claim


wazza is an alpha for trying to get merc dayexed to become the NK tho

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It’ not that noot claim=death

It just that in the games we play the options for noot are almost always antitown

This is how I read Marshal D1.

To be honest there are also quite a few neutrals that just kind of do their own thing, but yeah, I agree. In standard FoL the vast majority of Neutrals is anti-town.

Hello, yes, I am claiming to be not BD, putting myself permanently in PoE, and actively admitting to not sharing a win condition with you. Also killing me does not trigger prince’s guilt.

A neut claim means only one thing - you aren’t BD, unless you are doing a FPS. And if it’s clearly not a FPS it can hard die.

Vulgard: Cult Leader, claims Merc, bled, claims Observer
katze: Tavernkeeper, bled, claims TK and then Merc

im still a bit sad i was forced out of my merc FPS even though it accomplished basically nothing

it felt good

in most games I might ignore neut claims

but like with prince it’s basically a free yeet

When will you stop FPSing.

“His interaction with Arete and Katze earlier today no one helped him.
If he were group scum, his partner should have helped his defence in scum chat.
Yet there are no signs of that happening.”

Yeah not one of my best reads. Sorry Marshal.

i wasnt planning on FPSing in FoL28

…and then i FPSed merc for no fucking reason other than it being fun

and my D1 “weirdness” was slightly exaggerated so you can consider that an FPS :^)


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FPS rehab FM - A closed setup where there is one rule - Town are not allowed to lie. At all.

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I think this is the biggest issue.
FPS with no reason that does nothing.

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