[FoL] Forum of Lies 28 - ENDGAME - BD + Crus win (9/18)


Uh huh, sure.

Alright, I’m going to pull an Alice-in-Insurgency and post my pre-written wallpost on How To Not Lose For Dumb Reasons. (…hopefully this will go better than in Insurgency :upside_down_face:)

1. We are going to ensure that our posts are actually useful. Like, yes, obviously there will be occasional mild off-topic memeing. But when it takes hours just to read through and analyze one person’s Iso, and half their posts have no point, that’s a problem. We have a thread for talking about off-topic things! it’s the cookie thread! Post enough content to be readable – but don’t post so much content as to make yourself unreadable again.

1a. We’re not going to do anti-town things for no reason. If you are town, and what you’re doing makes it harder for everyone else to solve the game – whether that’s intentionally acting wolfy because you’re scared of conversion, or slanking, or hyperposting – then don’t do it. Playing in an anti-town way as town gives the wolves places to hide. Don’t make it easy for them.

2. We’re going to have actual reasons for thinking things, and explain those reasons. We’ve had a lot of games lately where ‘in theory Player X could be a wolf if this ridiculously niche situation happened’ somehow turned into ‘Player X is WOLF WOLF WOLF.’ This is dumb. Also, we’re going to actually explain why we think things, because that (a) allows people to figure out if your reasons for thinking them are reasonable, and (b) allows people to look at your thought processes and solve your alignment.

2a. We’re going to build towncores – but carefully. The problem we’ve had with towncores in the past isn’t ‘towncores bad,’ it’s clearing people for dumb reasons, such as when Alice was cleared for claiming D1 Prince in FoL 27, or when I was cleared for claiming Town Lost Wolf in Anime, or when Chloe was cleared for claiming Medium in Insurgency, or when Anstreim was cleared for bussing CRich … you get the idea. Basically, when we put people in the towncore we’re going to look at our actual reasons for doing this. Yes, there’s still a chance that we misclear someone (I think Ans ends up miscleared for the SFoL 61.5 bus in most worlds) – but we can reduce the chances of that happening.

2b. We’re going to focus on starting wolves over convert hunting. Basically all early-game convert hunting takes the form of ‘X is a good player, so they’re probably converted’ or ‘X was widely townread, so they’re probably converted.’ It … should be obvious why executing strong, widely townread players is not a winning strategy. Waiting until the starting wolves have been eliminated has multiple advantages: it means we can actually look at associations with the flipped wolves in order to find the converts, and it ensures that the generally-more-significant threats are the ones we eliminate first (this part is more true in Unseen than in Cult games to be fair).

3. We’re going to reevaluate when relevant. No, this doesn’t contradict either of the previous points. If we’re repeatedly misexeing, there’s a reason for it. Your reads don’t have to be set in stone and eternal; tinfoiling is bad, but looking through your reasons for clearing someone and trying to legitimately evaluate why you cleared them is … fine, and good.

4. We’re not going to automatically assume that anyone who disagrees with us is a wolf. This isn’t actually deserving of its own bullet point, but seriously, the extent to which people, as town, chainsaw-attack correct villagers who are pushing wolves that think are town, or attack villagers who are correctly defending LHFy villagers that they’re tunnelled on, is really annoying and I’d like it to stop please. Instead, we’re going to (a) actually try to evaluate people’s thought processes instead of assuming ‘wrong = lockscum,’ and (b) wait until after the flip to assume someone was wrong.




Arete, can you be King in my stead?

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wait fuck i had a prewritten copypasta and I cut it and then grabbed this for other reasons

now I don’t have copypasta

instead you get mark


I did see my classcard before writing this but I came up with the ideas beforehand so ima go ahead and call it NAI

im gonna try to play this game a bit more separated from my slot. I have trouble distancing myself from it in the past, with my WiM and how I go about the game tied to how im read. I tend to also be a high poster to towncore myself.

I think I could play better with none of the above and Im going to try to do that

Also we should try and make sure this is a feasible achievement. SFoL 61.5, there was no re eval, but with the post count that existed re eval was quite a difficult task. You would know, you were up to 6 AM writing a wallpost on kat

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Okay, but weren’t they already a wolf then?

Yes but they still needed to make a feasible case on kat

I will play this like I play all FoLs and SFoLs

see a BD classcard
plan to play townie lowkey just to get converted
fail hard 1/3 of the way through d1
get in towncore 2/3 of the way through d1
realize I want to play town
beg for SF and allies

FTR, Ans accidentally bussed CRich then as CRich ended up slipping on a RT he knew from the get-go, which is why the bus looked so convincing. I don’t think it’s likely that something like this would happen again.

But yeah, I agree with pretty much everything else.


gonna nab arete’s thing

what was everyone’s last played game
what did you learn from it?


I was SPK’d n1 despite posting almost no content, so meh. Didn’t learn a thing, at least I’m more familiar with CRich’s play.

My last played game was randomizer

I’ve learned that I need to cut down on my early posting, as it contains far too much fluff

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SFoL 61.5

Uh… Uhm… Don’t tunnel, I guess.


SFOL 61.5

don’t hyperpost.

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I cannot remember my last game tbh,

it’s been months since I last played


Or just try to jump-start into the game with reads.

Usually as time goes by you’ll start getting a better handle on when you should go into reads and when you should shitpost.

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My last played game was SFoL 61.5

I learned that bussing exists I should stop clearing wolves because ‘wolves wouldn’t do X’ when sometimes, wolves would do X

and that if someone is an obvious villager I should try to actually prevent their lynch even if they’re in the PoE, rather than just being like ‘eVeRyOnE eLsE iS tOwNiEr’

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If everyone else is townie then you just re-evaluate or pressure your null reads, tbh.