[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN


calc has the most progression on you

you said you liked it


i never said i liked it

i actually think i said it wasnt good progression

but it is progresion

Literally just replying to the message where Katze said they were going to make up a check.
And laughing that they chose you or just asking ā€œI am in threadā€¦ why even try this test on meā€

I think Arete also picked up on it being weird.

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To be honest

I wouldnā€™t be surprised if you did something like that

ilkajwhjaoilkdak[p;aodlka podlaiy2o98ihlakjs,mdnlajkndalmdksa.,d

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Tbh I would have likely said something similar, but Iā€™m brain dead.

i think im offended

also thereā€™s 25 minutes before EoD

go finish your vulgard post

while i decide who i want to vote today

/vote Amelia @Geyde @Marshal @Blizer

would not yeet today
an_gorta_pratai :crown:


maybe? kinda LHF tho

would yeet today

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he went from thinking your scum->thinking your scum->thinking your maybe scum-> upper part of the null blob

it is something, just not alot of something

/vote calc

this is where id like to be

they dont have alot for me to agree with

unless it ends up vanity too close to EoD im here

Why not Italy, you think heā€™s not slipping here.

my standards of italy are incredibly low and heā€™s met them

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Kanye West 2024 :^)
Vulgard an_gorta_pratai, PK, Wazza, Chloe, Soul 5/9
Appel PKR, Katze 2/9
Amelia Vulgard, Arete 2/9
Italy Frost 1/9
Calculus TBE 1/9

awh *blushes *

I dont do meta reads, his reaction with D2 opening is enough

im pretty sure im selfvoting rn

but i vibe with the appel vote

/vote appel

Amelia in Poisonous Mafia (wolf):


Amelia in FoL 29 (this game (also wolf)):

FoL 29

Insanely similar pattern, going from ā€œyou voted me :upside_down_face:ā€ to ā€œI am caught upā€ and then giving reads. Almost 1-to-1, except for some commentary in between.

I will admit that sheā€™s a bit different tonally, but that game was a while ago, so itā€™s expected. I know my tone has changed since then.

Town game for comparison:

Evolution Mafia

Feels a lot more relaxed overall.
Notably higher postcount. A lot higher, though the posts are basically oneliners.
Actively pushes people and votes them!!

Iā€™d make this more detailed, but I donā€™t think I will have the time. I see a very similar general pattern, lowposting / lack of any influence included. I know she can do better than this as town.

This is basically my read on him at this point.

uh I voted Vulguard :eyes:

ok well appel



it was a clear joke

i voted calculus