FoL26: Cult Chat

@katze @Frostwolf103 Dead wolves can’t type in wolf chat, yeah?

More so Emilia. I haven’t been disappearing much so far

You can literally just shitpost. I’ve been screwing around all day with two fakeclaims and random pushes.

If you do get jailed, I’m gonna get pissy ngl

Everything that can go wrong did go wrong

All because of a mass claim

A team of memelords and randoms has never won yet, hm? Maybe this one can.

Not really because of a mass claim, I just had a garbage day 1 and I’m not a great wolf. Blame me.

4 people identified me as wolf within my first 10 posts of the game. That’s saying something.

I just hope I screwed around sufficiently enough for people to misclear you or suspect villagers. Because that was my goal ever since suspicion started to pile up.

Not really. None of us got wagoned today, and we got a successful conversion night 1. Imagine if the wagon was on one of us right now and our conversion had failed. That would be an example of everything going wrong. Bonus points if the other wolf was outed too.

Don’t lose faith, this is winnable and we shall take this to the bank through memes, randomness, and fake spew.

And if not, nobody can say we didn’t put up a fight.

Clowning around in this game is so fun.

Yeah they cannot communicate while dead

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Lmao I orchestrated a mislynch.


Wolfgard strikes again. Except I’m dead tonight but w/e.

Vulgard is currently on jail

Can I play a minigame where I break out of prison?

Avoid all communication while you’re on jail, please.

Oh, yeah, sorry. Didn’t know it wasn’t possible to speak to the wolves while in jail in FoL.

I will re-invite you when you made it out alive, for now remove yourself from chat

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Alright, Emilia, the King and Uni both want you checked, so I’m “volunteering” to check you and “prove” you innocent or I can bus you for towncred. Either option works