FoLT Game 1 | Day 7 (6/15)|GAME OVER (The Blue Dragon and Scorned won)

No log :thinking:


Did you kill rogue?


I just wanted to visit him and he just got spooked.

Not my fault he had a heart attack


Where’s that DEATHNOTE :frowning:

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Totally didn’t murder him and leave a DEATHNOTE

He made it himself

How are you doing though?

I slept peacefully.

I dabbed into the system.

Slept peacefully, and now we can limit our investigations to the people around the middle of Squid’s wagon.

Cult failed convert N1??

That’s… an odd thing to infer. Could you explain please?


I slept peacefully

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Yes please explain.

I’m sad

DEATHNOTE doesn’t have a save button :frowning:

Btw DEATHNOTE keeps getting autocorrected to all caps so :man_shrugging: no idea why

So you killed the hunter? gasp


He spooked me.

But apparently he also got spooked.

Slept peacefully last night

Tech calm the wolves

They are trying to bite me but are failing

Why do they hate me D: