Bastard Anniversary Mafia - Marluxion The Occultist wins!

it’s also a bastard game

Let’s get this straight.

It’s a bastard game, HOWEVER this bastard game has rules that they can’t break such as that

I’m also a bastard.

Don’t use the excuse “it’s a bastard game” to explain everything cause that’s not how this game works lol.

If overmind does exists it’s probably an anti town neutral due to it being easily able to be broken

So you remember what i said about Sam’s ISO being sort of toned back?

Sam is unpredictable. His play flashes between different extremes from game to game and even day to day, sometimes quite stupid, sometimes quite smart, sometimes snarky, sometimes nice. It’s a reason why he’s often lynched incorrectly.

However, I feel sure about him this game. I think that Sam is holding back. Looking at his ISO, there are examples of bizarre logic such as this:

All seems normal so far. Now, let me get an example from FoLT, where Sam was mislynched (Admittedly by my own hand but I digress):

I feel like there’s a kind of difference here although this is very slight, and that is that this strange, incorrect and often weird phrasology and reasoning draws far more, has far more conviction from and is in general more bizarre than the examples I’ve posted here.

Essentially, Sam is trying to seem like he’s posting good content rather than content that matches his style, or is too self-consciously trying to act like village!sam to successfully imitate it.

I think that makes sense?

So basically he’s scum.


it’s inherrently part of the definition of bastard to have the mod be able to lie.
They could easily just lie about that.

However, probabilities > possibilities, so I still agree with you.

Yeah, pretty much.

Marl and Sam scum team?

Oh and also, please can someone heal me, I just don’t want to like die.

I may be a party guest who wins even if they die but I doubt my target with be alive by the end of the game.

>healing 3rd party

I understood nothing.

Healing you is basically claiming scum

If someones going to heal me tonight I can’t watch over (which is stand guard)

as it prevents visits to my target and me.

Not exactly as there could be a class who can watch me and see them visit me, I don’t know, I just don’t want to die man.

not because I want to pick you as my next contract once my contract dies or anythin

Hm… I come back to this.