Forum of lies 11 (The Cult, The Alchemist and The Fool win!)

And not sending guard to Moleland obviously.

So I am going to be honest with you:

Orange never send me wolf.

Because I ate it.


And all that talk with replacing with confirmed new king, they really haven’t backed that up.

Like what are they thinking?

By the time the Fool guilt was over you were a bigger priority.
I wisped three nights in a row, I was hoping whoever the Demon was (didn’t know it was you at the time but was 90% sure) would attack me for being an investigative.
Ah well. Didn’t matter in the end, did it?

I am not surprised, by third time you mean your cult point.

Like yeah, why would I bother since Orange is bigger target than you?

I am actually disappointed he didn’t send me wolf.

No, I wisped three nights in a row as Princess, then Flirted you the night I got converted.

Sorry I was wrong, it was two nights in a row.

So yeah, my expectations were lot higher, at least I saved my uses for Haemophilia.

Like honestly, all my kills didn’t need my werewolf ability.

Oh and here comes my fake journal

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Frostwolf103 was voted to trial, and the King decided their fate, executing them! They were The Demon.

They left a journal:

Frostwolf's Priest Logbook
-N1 No dead speaking
-N2 Simon told me Lux is actually the Paladin, Occupied (failed to revive)
-N3 Attempting to revive Simon, For whatever reason, you instead visited Moleland
-D4 Bind Soul to Orange
-N4 Hippolytus told me that Insanity doesn’t need healing
-N5 Moleland says Insanity isn’t cult, he died so thanks for the reminder?
-N6 Polik mention that Orange will be converted by NozBugz, this two failed attempts to convert is lie and there’s no Demon so I’d have to make myself target to reaction test, only Pug succeed the test.

The Cult (PokemonKidRyan, PolikShadowbliss, Luxx, Nozbugz and Methnor), The Alchemist (Pug) and The Fool (Sketch) win!

Here’s the spreadsheet.

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Who says being nice to Alchemists never pays off?
gg all

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At least, I call out the demon…

But with wrong method…

As soon as Frost claimed Priest and said that I spoke to Ryan the first night and gave a code word of wolves, I knew that was bullshit instantly considering that I USED THE DAMN ANNOUNCEMENT SAYING I DID NOT DO ANYTHING THE FIRST NIGHT!!!

It was even in my damn journal that I didn’t do anything the first night, so how you guys got played this long I don’t even know!

Like seriously, did anyone other than me see that? :neutral_face:

I didn’t catch that but I was suspecting the Priest claim the whole time regardless.

I’m disappointed there Meth…

You’re actually good normally at catching things like that, so I was hoping you would have been the one to point that out :crying_cat_face: