Forum of Lies Neutral Creation Competition

But we all know the only important one is headhunter

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So this is what alice was doing all day

I mean at least he won’t have to review all of these :^)

Big brain: submit a class so you don’t have to review other ones

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holy shit ok

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As a reminder today is the final day to submit neuts. As there was a lot of them handed in please give us time to search through and pick our favorites especially with the new FOL underway we will have new data to work around to see which would work in current enviroment

Im going to put the deadline at 2020-04-16T03:59:00Z for submitting. After that the FOL team will discuss and get you an answer once we have decided. As there’s a deadline set I will not update submissions til it tonight as I don’t want to repeat work.

/formally rescind my submission @DatBird
(I know it’s trash and i’m too lazy to create a king variant)

i.e. please remove it from the list and do not review it
thank you

@DatBird I updated my class

/also formally rescind @DatBird

then u can help pick :^)

That’s the intention, yes

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drumroll time



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do a fake De pwwetendew reveal

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So which of alice’s neuts is it :^)

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