Game mechanics discussion thread

Name it: “Farewell Townplay”


would players be alerted that they have a Farewell Ability
or do they just think they’re VT

Everyone has a normal Ability AND a Farewell Ability.

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do they know they have the Farewell ability tho

Yes, they do. They just don’t know what it actually does.

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I don’t like them really, because they don’t influence your play, because well you don’t know what they do. Was played here in one game.

Reading that back, geezzz I wasn’t that nice there

I get your point, but… surely not all add-on mechanics have to be fun in order to be engaging in order to be fun?

wait is vengeful bastard

By itself, no. But vengeful wolf is kind of bastard as it punishes town for correctly lynching wolves.

what if the vengeful wolf kills a wolf

Loyal Vengeful Mafia


kill your wolf partner as a vengeful wolf for town cred

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witch the demon for towncred

fun fact: the last one that one is technically a valid strategy if you’re doing a bunch of REALLY DUMB fps

aka if you’re claiming to be a good witch after you got pit hagged and you have an evil twin, you can totally witch your demon for town cred

And then die for it because you’re Loyal?

Warhammer FM was hella cool with that elf/dwarf dynamic

Basically there were six factions (dwarf/elf/town/mafia/scum-dwarf/scum-elf) and each could win with 2 others (dwarf with town and scum-dwarf, scum-dward with dwarf and mafia, magia with scum-dwarf and scum-elf, scum-elf with mafia and elf, elf with scum-elf and town with elf and dwarf)

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Also some setup with basic roles that can evolve in two unique branches and each branch either:

  1. Evolves again to a new form. This new form is shared between two evolutions of different base classes

  2. Evolves to A or B. A is shared between the two branches of the base class and B works as option 1.

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Memory card mafia? Like each card is an one shot ability. You get a random one each night

Possible spices:

  • if you ever have two of the same card you gain the ability permanently.
  • Deck mechanics. When you hold a card, no one else can draw it. If you use, other people can get this card RNGed to them. More powerful cards can be unique (this could prevent it becoming permanent) but there will be duplicates of less powerful cards.
  • Maximum inventory or ethereal cards to discourage card holding.
  • Negative utility cards for the item above or for scum?
  • Scum being able to draw from the normal deck or the scum exclusive deck? Or just always force scum to draw from a bigger deck with scum cards merged on it?

Possible enhancement in complexity to Tibet Mahjong Mafia?


I think a whole game with everyone having farewell abilities could be cool. It’s not so much something for influencing play but rather just the fun of seeing what pops up. :slight_smile:

If you do want to influence play, then possibly have the farewell ability be somewhat tied to their normal ability so there’s a hint of what might happen.

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Oh, this actually sounds really interesting. :slight_smile: