[Game Thread] Meowntainado (4/14) - Day 5 - Mafia Wins!


you are a wolf and a villager voted you

that villager is known for shitting the bed in Lylo as wolf

you try and push the narrative that that villager would somehow try hard despite the fact there is legit super recent evidence they wouldn’t

there’s no going back from that

200 posts per day? its day 5 and I have like an 1000 cap cuz 200 per day 5 days I think I should be ok

not how this works

I need sleep gn

I’ll think better tomorrow



wazza why can’t your iso be blatantly town

When the xblade is sussy

deadass nearly lost a wall

Day will be extended by 1 hour to make up for the unexpected forum maintenance, and will end 2021-08-13T22:00:00Z



Postcap will be lifted three hours before EoD because I’m feeling nice


…are you sure about that one Chloe?

wait I got jebaited it’s after midnight

Im probably gonna sleep soon n I request for ppl not to vote or do anything like that until im awake but obviously I csnt control yall do whatever

If yall do vote just hope you’ll realize im just in the same lylo I was in morpho trying to argue against powerwolves (that sucked ass) and that realistically i would not be doing this if I was scum and a prime example is my game on mu and gold rush

Anyway night night :crescent_moon:

Pls read my wallposts bye

Post 400

looking at how Wazza handled the gorta/cabbage v/v wagons at EoD2

and then not voting into EoD reads to me as genuine concern over a decision that scum would know is meaningless

In particular, let’s look at what the other scum were doing in the same timeframe

Neither of these slots put in any effort to sway people onto or off of their wagon - Arete was saying “cabbage v” and Wendy was saying “cabbage w” in ways that were designed to make it look like they cared, but when Marl started doubting the wagon Arete started making jokes about their assessment of cabbage’s wagon when town who townread cabbage should have been celebrating and Wendy went from performatively talking about “oh boo hoo if we don’t hit cabbage” into immediately starting setting up for a shot onto cabbage right at EoD (and then lo and behold, Luxy gets the gun)

Given it seems that the wolves were specifically trying to egg that shot on, I think the fact that Wazza was showing a complete lack of TMI while the other wolves were maneuvering around the wagons is the first truly good look for Wazza in her entire ISO.

okay Wazza also immediately threw Arete to the gun which like

I knew was a thing

but never really reconsidered after it happened because tunnel brain

considering the setup for cabbage to be shot I think that’s a better look than I had given it credit for at the time

on that note if wazza is indeed town then the question isn’t “why was hippo killed last night”

It’s “why was Hippo not killed earlier”

also as I noted when I subbed in their point about Arctic wanting to shoot them being -EV was very fair

also god it must have been infuriating to try and push you there as wolf

just to be met with “lol shooting me is bad you’re scum”

oh right Luxy was conftown

Arctic started the game v-reading both GGhana and Eli based on meta

Only one of these metareads would be committed to over the course of the game (and it isn’t the flipped wolf)

And Wendy would only ever challenge the one on Eli, despite the interactions I’ve noted over the past few days where they literally just forgot they’d said they had a townread on GGhana based on his real identity