[Game Thread] Meowntainado (4/14) - Day 5 - Mafia Wins!


all the Arete iso is making me is mad that they had a part in allowing alts to survive

was hoping Arete voting Aelin would mean something

nope, the other wagons before were Cabbage and Marshal

actually it’s possible Arete going so hard after Marshal was chainsawing since she was pushing Arctic?

I also think this ping in this gamestate is unlikely to be on a partner, as Arete would just tell them in wolfchat

okay I think this is a pretty bad look for Arctic

we all know about the existence of Arete’s SoD2 wall on Marshal, who was the nightkill

while others saw the kill and wall and were immediately like “well that makes arete town” or “well that makes Arete scum,” Arctic seemed to be feeling out the waters

It’s almost uncanny how much these two just don’t talk with each other at SoD2. They both have several back-and-forth pieces with other players, but neither talks about what just happened with each other, and when they do re-engage it has nothing to do with Arete’s entrance but instead “why was Marshal killed” which is obviously a topic wolves feel very comfortable discussing. :upside_down_face:

Like, hello??? Do neither of you want to comment on Arete’s wall, or the surrounding votes?

What really seals the deal in my opinion is how Arctic handles Arete’s slot when talking with others in this same period of time - in particular, watch what happened with cabbage:

Despite cabbage completely misremembering the quote in a way that completely changes the meaning, Arctic still takes the opportunity to jump in and paint the kill as “framing” Arete, yet somehow also pushes that line of thinking as being “dumb” and dismissing it entirely. This is a soft defense of the slot that maintains distance via WIFOM but still implies they could well just be framed - but most importantly, Arctic takes the statement cabbage asserts had been said at face value, without thinking about how things actually went down, so it’s a soft defense that a town player who is thinking about how events actually transpired would have no reason to make.

I think I’ve seen enough to make my official F3 recommendation “yeet arctic”

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On that note

@Arctic where tf are you

@Leafia @Wazza @Arctic

Anyways the last thing I should do before going to bed is definitely to definitively dismantle Wendy so there’s no outstanding questions in this F5 and we can just move on to F3.

The first major thing outing Wendy is something I’ve already touched on a few times - they literally forget they had already acknowledged they knew Princess_Daisy was an alt in making future fake reads.

In particular, they hold up a thin townread on GGhana (note that this is exceptionally similar to Arctic’s GGhana read) while specifically citing their real identity as being the driving factor of the read:

But then on several later instances they express surprise that Daisy is percieved as an alt:

This is exactly as it appears - they have outright forgotten they expressed a townread on GGhana based on their real identity in the four or so hours between expressing the initial read and coming back to the thread to comment on others’ Daisy reads. Since the thread had started shifting towards “Daisy is GGhana and GGhana is scum” they tried to play along with GGhana’s insistence they were, in fact, not GGhana at all, and attempted to push people into the idea that Daisy may not be an alt despite their read earlier having been predicated on that fact. This is not something town would just forget because they left the thread for a few hours, and is a clear sign that Wendy is trying to save rather than solve GGhana.

When I asked about it, they also literally couldn’t even bother to come up with an explanation for where their head was at:

Wendy's defense

They tried to write it off as “keeping up my alt gimmick” but as soon as I was having none of it they literally gave up any pretense of defending that point and, in combination with something I’ll get to later, just told me to vote them.

In hindsight, I shoulda just stuck there.

The second major thing pointing towards Wendy is one I’m actually pretty impressed by - they played their main earlygame push super well on all sides on D1, acting as a pressure relief valve for their team in a way that didn’t raise many direct objections at the time. That’s genuinely hard to do, so props.

Daisy begins D1 with a vote on Wendy, and when Eli votes them over it they stress it’s real:

Initial SoD1 Vote Salvo

Wendy then proceeds to basically ignore all of that to tell people to mind the postcap and chat with Daisy about Emilia before outing that townread from the last section.

Those posts

While I think Wendy’s defense against mist’s push here is also not good, I think the way Wendy handles Eli is the far more immediately telling.

Wendy starts by asking Eli about his reads, with which they do literally nothing before they leave thread for the night, leaving Marshal to push Eli to produce actual, actionable content.

However, when they come back to Eli having posted a literal wallpost, now Wendy sees a need to actually look at what he says.

So, what happened in the meantime to cause this change?

As far as I can tell, the only two things of note were Marl voting Eli, and then changing to Arctic; and Hippo voting Arctic, changing to Eli, and then changing his vote to Daisy. It certainly wasn’t anything to do with Eli himself - he basically left his wall and then didn’t talk again until after Wendy returned.

I’ve already called out a few points in this wall before, but on the whole it’s specifically focused on discrediting exactly Eli, and appealing to Marl and Hippo, who had been expressing interest in voting between Eli/Daisy/Arctic that they should be voting Eli. Given Daisy has since flipped red and Arctic is probably the last wolf, this is very clearly an attempt to push votes off of scum onto Eli:

And then not even 10 minutes later Daisy shows up and immediately begins supporting this viewpoint:

Daisy's re-entrance

Don’t let the fact that it was Arctic that was there at the time color how you view this conversation too much - it was definitely thread consensus that Eli was town, and Daisy and Wendy basically completely dropped their lines of thinking from when they’d been going at each other “for real” at the start of the day to work together to discredit somebody that could take some pressure off of the scum. (That being said, it’s notable that Arctic, one of the main pushers of this, also bends a bit to Wendy and even expresses the idea that them sussing Eli is “a villagery concern.”)

They were more than happy to drop this line when a bunch of town wagons sprung up at EoD, of which they voted for all of them except Gorta, who they said they didn’t care about. Wendy clearly did not care much about the D1 wagons, yet despite this never made any effort to go back to pushing Eli who was not only their only personal scumread but also pretty much their only read read of the entirety of D1.

In short, Wendy’s pushes were quite effective at pulling pressure off of scum without damning themself in the process; unfortunately, that’s just not something town ever actively thinks about, and Daisy flipping red really makes that perspective obvious in a way it could never be before their flip.

The third major thing that sinks Wendy here is their lockstep integration with the Arete slot. From the start of Day 1 and right up until Arete was shot, pretty much every major push Wendy made fits perfectly with what Daisy/Arete were doing in the thread, which was working really well up until Luxy decided to shoot Arete over cabbage.

I’ve already talked about the Daisy/Wendy dynamic at length, but even after Arete subs in this dynamic doesn’t actually change much at all - presumably they were happy with how things were going, and given the wagons were T/T/T it’s easy to see why they’d decide not to shake things up too much.

From the start, Arete continues Daisy’s shading of Wendy, while Wendy continues to hold their defense of the slot:

First posts after Arete subs in

And now that wagons have shifted, Wendy drops Eli basically entirely to join Arete in pushing the thread towards T/T wagons. Wendy moves first to Arctic before a short stint Aelin and eventually Cabbage, whilst Arete rails Marshal (who had been the main person pushing both Daisy and Arctic) and then changes to voting Aelin without even mentioning Wendy, who had been in the bottom tier of their last readslist alongside Marshal. These wagons effectively took the momentum out of the Arctic push that had been building and would remain the main competing wagons for the remainder of the day.

Come Day 2, Wendy immediately leads the charge on clearing Arete for their SoD2 wall:

They do kinda temper it with “well I guess it could be fake” in response to others bringing it up, but the way it’s presented is as if it’s super super unlikely that would be the case and it’s really just covering their own ass, especially given they immediately turn back to “it’s towny” a second later.

But like

Arete is literally in the thread right here while Wendy is doing all of this talking, and yet Wendy makes zero attempt to engage directly with Arete on whether or not their wall was fake. Everyone else was talking with Arete while Wendy was talking about Arete, and then they went off to go write a case on… cabbage? Who they had had as scum EoD1 but apparently hadn’t put enough effort into casing when they were, y’know, actually up for a lynch over another villager and also didn’t feel the need to bring up until after defending Arete.

This is already going to be long as fuck, so I’m not going to give the play-by-play for a second day I wasn’t around for, but we all know where this goes - Wendy spends the entire day calling Arete town while pushing cabbage while Arete spends the day distancing from Arctic while simultaneously preventing Marl (who they townread) from getting anywhere with his Arctic wagon by wagoning gorta.

Unless I’m missing something, I’m pretty sure Wendy brings up Eli exactly twice, and one of those was only in reference to Luxy sharing the read, still making no effort to actually push him up for a lynch. They also pull Wazza’s name out of literally nowhere to advocate for a shot on them, which as discussed on D3 was a very poor shot target for town to make given Wazza was actively choosing to not contribute.

By EoD, the scum have clearly decided to push for gorta’s lynch and cabbage to be shot tomorrow - I showed these quotes earlier, but they bear repeating.

EoD2 Posts

As I’ve mentioned, neither Arete nor Wendy care about the outcome of this lynch. There’s no investment in the outcome in either of their posting, no dedication to ensuring their push goes over instead of the other target - although Wendy sure wants to look like they care! Instead, Wendy spends the end of the day pushing to “blast cabbage,” yet it’s not them that’s given the gun; instead, it’s Luxy, who they’ve been buttering up.

Wendy then spends the start of Day 3 trying to convince Luxy to go ahead with shooting cabbage while Arete starts frantically changing things up in an attempt to not be shot. Note that this is more or less the first time since they subbed in that Arete and Wendy have actually talked with each other.

Wendy/Arete SoD3

They also take an interest in figuring out where Luxy is gonna shoot lol

Oh look their Eli read does still exist!

It’s only after Luxy starts making it clear he’s going to think outside of just snapshotting cabbage that Arete begins to distance from Wendy and Wendy instantly takes that cue to start distancing from them, despite having had Daisy/Arete as strong enough town to defend for literally the entire game.

The fact that this much (one part of one wallpost) is enough to make them throw away the townread they’ve held on the slot for so long is, frankly, unbelievable - and for good reason, considering it’s fake.

Related Point

While we’re here, I’ll digress a minute to talk about their “I wouldn’t pair Arete and Arctic” line I’ve seen used a few times in their defense,. which specifically references this post:

Although this looks good when they point it out in a vacuum, in context they basically immediately walk it back:

And then after the shot their immediate, post-Arete-redflip readslist doesn’t consider the idea that Arctic could be scum with Arete at all - it still has the same bottom tier and they go right back to pushing cabbage (and suddenly scumreading Eli seriously again for the first time in a few days when consistent-mislynch Leafia subs in)

More fuel on the Wendy/Arctic fire.

When I later asked Wendy to towncase themself, one of the other things they specifically pointed at was the following:

but like

This entire section has shown that at no point until Arete was effectively a dead man walking was that true

So without either of those last two points, their defense is “I spent a ton of time trying to get people to listen to me on my own reads, like Eli” when no, you did not, you dropped even that read when it wasn’t convenient, and “I change my mind a lot which is towny” but realistically that’s just how you were helping Arete push villagers up for mislynches.

Even they know they’ve wolfsided so hard their only defense at this point is to claim “lol I really messed up,” fake some enthusiasm about having “finally caught a wolf,” and hope I’m too busy to properly respond so they can just hammer “orange scum” into your heads enough to make somebody second-guess themselves.

Unfortunately for Wendy, I don’t need to sleep tonight. :slight_smile:

While I think I’ve pretty definitively covered why Wendy is the scum here based on everything before LyLo, it’s probably worth quickly touching on a few things about this LyLo that I alone am in a position to consider.

First off, why kill Hippo? Well, consider the options this scum team has. First, they’re never killing Arctic or Leafia, so that means the kill is always going to be between Wazza, Hippo, and myself. Of these three, I don’t think there’s much room for a Wazza kill with me hard pushing them basically the entire time I’ve been in the game and the fact that leaving both Hippo and I alive in LyLo is likely fucking terrifying. The only upside is that Hippo was also sussing me, but unless you’re planning to take both of us to F3 that doesn’t buy you much given he was always going for Arctic first.

So that leaves killing the guy who just hammered a townie and has been hardpushing Wazza, or the guy who was correctly pushing Arete the most consistently of anybody alive and, if I’m not wrong on Arctic being the third, was also gunning hardest for him of anyone else alive. Now that I’m p sure on Arctic, I don’t think they had as much of a choice as I originally thought they would - Hippo has been in the game longer and had better reads to show for it, so the tinfoil on him never holds up to scrutiny in LyLo.

As for pushing me, I agree it’s ballsy af for Wendy to do, but I also think it’s far and away the option that reduces spew by the greatest amount. I’m sure they weren’t planning to be the first vote, but as soon as literally all three of us signed onto having them vote first it became apparent that they were going to need to figure out which vote gives them the best odds in F3. Voting Wazza is basically out of the question - although I’ve been gunning for them, I made it pretty clear yesterday that I think Wendy is worse and would vote there first, and I think I’m the only person that would make that misvote.

So, that leaves voting within Leafia/Arctic,. and as long as we assume that they don’t crossvote their partner, that means that we’re now entering F3 with either the player they crossed having been killed or effectively being confirmed town, which makes our F3 decision incredibly easy. Now, of course, the chance they vote a partner here isn’t zero - however, a w/w cross in LyLo means the two involved parties need to keep up immaculate theater for an entire phase while every single town member gets ample chance to effectively prove themselves as town. It’s a very risky play, and I just don’t see any way in which a team with Wendy would feel comfortable making it.

So yeah, it’s ballsy, but voting me is also the best method Wendy has to have a nonzero chance at winning today without spewing their partner so they still stand a chance in F3.

This is where the disconnect in Wendy’s approach on me is most apparent. After nearly giving up yesterday, being in LyLo has made them do whatever they can to try for the win. In particular, they’ve literally 180’d their reads overnight as their goal has changed from “survival” to “secure one single town misvote,” and have spent the large majority of their time pushing my slot as scum here by focusing on emilia’s posts. This is super convenient for them - I can’t speak to what emilia was thinking or doing at all, but if they can bait me into trying to argue on emilia’s behalf it’ll mean I’m spending time on weak arguments over things I can’t really defend against. In short, while pushing orangeandblack5 might be hard, pushing emilia is much easier.

They have since spent a bunch of posts on trying to get me to engage with their attack on emilia - far more than they’ve spent trying to get any of the rest of you to read their case, going so far as to talk to me about how everyone is “ignoring the massive case they made against me” when town has literally zero reason to try and convince me their case is right and would instead focus on laying out their argument for the rest of you. Considering even at EoD yesterday they were still saying the only thing they found at all suspicious about emilia was that they could have been partnered with cabbage, it’s thoroughly unbelievable that town!Wendy ends up taking this approach today.

Player Voted by Votes
Wendy orangeandblack5 1/3
orangeandblack5 Wendy 1/3
Not voting Arctic, Leafia, Wazza 3

Both majority and plurality are in effect. With 5 players alive, it takes 3 to reach majority.


hit the consecutive post limit lmao, thanks sulit

Now I’ve been typing for the past 5 hours, so I’m going to go to sleep, but I think I’ve said just about everything I could possibly have to say - I’ll probably sleep in given it’s now past 7 AM, so feel free to hammer, godspeed, and good luck in F3. I’m pretty sure we’ve got this one.

If you listen to that super dumb gut feeling, we’ll lose.

Considering you were lock V in FAM as well, as my scumbuddy no less, everyone having you lock V doesn’t mean that you can’t be a wolf. I just wish Arctic would vote already. Ignore that last part if he has already voted.

They want to win. One of them is a wolf and if any villager votes wrong then we lose. Assuming the remaining wolf doesn’t vote for their partner.

Please post some joycats. Pwease?

This is something I definitely agree with. Arctic is the wolf outside of you and Wendy. That much is a certainty to me.

Forgetting things is something I do all the time. Even as a villager, I tend to forget my reads on people at times and I can see how Wendy would forget about Daisy being an alt as a villager honestly. I won’t lie Orange. I’m currently leaning towards you being the wolf between you and Wendy right now and if I had to vote next, it would probably be for you.