[Game Thread] Meowntainado (4/14) - Day 5 - Mafia Wins!

Granted, I’m not super confident on that. Hippo also had the scumteam as Orange and Arctic, so it’s at least sheeping his read.

Also, Arctic always votes next here.

i don’t think it’s wendy wazza

my solve was 1 wolf in wendy/leafia and 1 in orange/hippo

which means it’s orange and probably leafia unless wolves crossvoted which would be dumb because in the world where leafia is town they are a fairly easy miselim and so am i

Then cast your vote.

I haven’t finished reading everything i want to

We already know you’re the partner of the wolf and you’ve had several hours to read through everything. At this point, you’re just stalling for time. Probably to try and judge what the two villagers that haven’t voted are thinking so that you can judge whether or not voting for your scumbuddy here is a good idea.

See, this is literally why I think it can be you/Wendy

i’ve been at a friend’s house all night with no access to a computer

i’ve stated i wouldn’t be available before and the fact you’re misrepresenting the reason for my inactivity to spin a world where it’s i’m scum is both disgusting and wolfy

This would mean that the eli/wendy stuff early game was theatre

idk if i believe that

That’s literally the stupidest possible thought you could have Wazza. He’s only stalling for time and that much is obvious. Does hiHippo, a dead villager, having the scumteam as Orange/Arctic mean nothing to you?

hippo was widely townread and the fact he strongly believed i was a wolf meant that him being left alive would have been semi-clearing and so he’d re-evaluate himself out of ML’ing me

Don’t pretend I wasn’t scumreading you before today started. Besides, if I’m a wolf with or even without Wendy, why wouldn’t I have voted by now?

killing hippo does not allow him to reevaluate and frames me in the process

I literally don’t even know if you were actually scumreading me with how back and forth you were with your voting

You were already viewed as a wolf before last night even started and that doesn’t explain about Orange.

It explains orange perfectly because hippo’s team was me/orange yet I’m the one that’s being pushed for the nightkill instead of orange which makes no sense if we’re both villagers

The wolves (aka you) don’t want to shade orange (another wolf) with this fact but are perfectly fine shading me

Then quit your defending of Wendy, it’s far too unnatural, Leafia.

Can i get back to reading now or

Literally everyone is accusing Orange here in the thread. Do you really think the team is exactly Me/Orange? Nobody else is defending Orange and I doubt wolves wouldn’t defend their partner here in LyLo.

It was super obvious that I was. I even stated it several times yesterday. By now though, I"ve accepted that this could very well be a town loss and honestly, I’m okay with that since if Wendy really is the wolf between her and Orange, then I think this is a win she deserves, but I’m not set on voting Orange just yet. It’s just my GTH vote for now. I might change my mind before it becomes my turn to vote.