Godcard [Character Sheet]

It’s not lie detection but fact discernment, then. I think leaving it as lie detection is better; Fact discernment should be gen 2 I think.

It’s lie detection, that was it’s intention

Then accepted!

Name: Sophie Lacey
Age: 22
Gender: F
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Backstory: A plotter, she would rather someone kill for her than getting her own hands dirty. She studied law and works at a law office.
Appearance: Black Hair, Green eyes, shorter than average, a little below the average weight

Card Figure: Kronos
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Gen: 1
Backstory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kronos
Gen 1- Sense of Time-You can tell what time of day it is no matter what
Gen 2- Time Distortion-You can cause people to think it is a different time than it really is for a few seconds.

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do you go to new york high by any chance?

? What?

Kronos is chaotic evil though.

Proven by his reign in Golden Age.


A fictionaly school all characters that still in school go to.

Oh ok then yes

@Damafaud fixed

So explain your powers a bit. It seems way too op. You could literally just turn a car into spare parts just like that

It’s on natural objects, not cars and other metal objects

Please write so, and also don’t make it instant. Spamming instant trees would be annoying too


Mmmmm can you consider another power? Aging is hecking powerful if you know how to use it. (Like atomic decay)

Name and/or Alias: Matthew Hawthorne
Age: 41
Gender: Male
Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Backstory: [TBD]
Appearance: https://i.gyazo.com/e684e18f43b16186f6e069dbae663884.png

Card Name/Figure: Nemesis
Card Generation: 1st
Card Backstory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nemesis_(mythology) tl;dr goddess of retribution/revenge
Card Powers:
GEN I - Adrestia’s Eyes: The user can mark a target that they see. While the target is within 100 Meters, the user can sense the direction of the target until they are unmarked or they leave the 100 meter range.


I made a limit on the years, I’ll probably up it at gen 5…10…

So how old can it age.

Or at what rate

Moderate pace and max of three years

Why don’t take somwthing similar to Lilian’s Time Sense. That’s easier and will have less complain.