Godcard [Character Sheet]


Your character will found a package in front of his door if he has a living place or near him if he doesn’t. ^^

It’s saturday morning currently.

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Name and/or Alias: Joker (alias), Xander Simmons (real name)
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Character Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Backstory: As a child, Xander was always obsessed with playing card games. During recess in elementary school he was always trying to coerce his friends into playing things like “War” or “Spades” with him. One day after school when he was 8, his parents didn’t come to pick him up. After walking home, he discovered their mangled corpses lying on his living room floor. Something snapped inside of his head that day.

He became fascinated and obsessed with corpses and committed his first murder at the age of 12. For years he developed his sadistic tendencies, unbeknownst to all of his peers. Currently, he works at a law firm by day and at night he hunts for victims wearing a jester mask. Whenever he kills a victim, he makes sure to leave a Joker card on their corpse.
Appearance: joker

Card Name/Figure: Pazuzu
Card Generation: 1st
Card Backstory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pazuzu
Card Powers: Gen I: Demon Gusts - Can blow a fierce wind in a direction of his choosing and can change direction of said wind at will. Winds not strong enough to knock someone down, but could carry small objects.


Name and/or Alias: Alice Patricia Jackson

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Backstory: Alice was an aspiring college student with a promising career in engineering ahead of her, then she discovered wine. She is an alcoholic and spends her time in a near-permanent state of inebriation, ranging from very slight to very severe, despite being aware of her habits she has no intention to remain sober for longer than a day or two, she is still an accomplished engineer, despite often being too drunk to legally operate any machinery, she is accompanied by her two best friends, Brandy and Chardonnay.


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Card Name/Figure: Dionysus

Card Generation: 1st

Card Backstory: Dionysus, the Greek God of Wine, Festivity, and Theatre

Card Powers:

  1. Summon Wine: Alice has the power to create wine and wine containers
  2. Party Ready: Alice can summon party things like balloon and confetti. Oh, and glitters.
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Name and/or Alias: Julia Mason

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Character Alignment: Neutral Evil

Backstory: IDK she wants money and stuff



Card Name/Figure: Camazotz

Card Generation: 2nd

Card Backstory: Evil Bat God, associated with Death and the Night

Card Powers:

  1. Echolocation - Julia can use sound to help her see in the darkness
  2. Enhanced Hearing - Julia can hear sounds that are quieter, higher frequency, and further away than a normal human could hear
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Name and/or Alias: Misty White.
Physical Age: 24
Actual Age: 14
Sex: Female.
Character Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Backstory: Was once a fourteen-year-old envious of her older sister’s beauty and attention until she got this card one day on the beach. She is overall a passive character, preferring to be left alone, she is not a fighter nor is she a heavy hitter. Her powers are mainly mental trickery, healing, and defense.

Card Name/Figure: Venus
Card Backstory: Venus is the Roman Goddess of Love as well as the Greek Goddess of Sexuality by a different name. She is known to be both scandalous and innocent, kind and prideful, known for making people fall in love - with anything . She actually made a woman fall in love with a bull once, who then proceeded to make love to it. Yes, that happened.
Card Powers:

  1. Beauty embodied: cardholder will immediately become the embodiment of beauty and sexuality regardless of age or sex.
  2. Mother’s Embrace: cardholder can heal and recover from minor bodily injuries almost instantly and can in turn heal others as well.
  3. Gown of Venus: cardholder will gain a full-body skintight dress/suit that cannot be pierced or destroyed. If cardholder is a woman, the dress will be very revealing but the chest will be protected by very transparent cloth.

Name: Étaín
Aged 21 years
Gender: Female
Alignment: True Neutral
Backstory: A immigrant from Ireland. She simply wishes to bring her younger brother to the USA as well
Apperance: 5’ 6.5", has two blue eyes and brown hair. Average weight among other things

NOTICE: In Jail for possible murder


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You forgot description.

CYKA BLAYT rages Fixing that now

Name and/or Alias: Justin Sionelle
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Character Alignment: Neutral Good
Backstory: Justin Sionelle, a special forces operative, has been with the military since he was 19. At the age of 23, he was promoted to the special forces for his extensive training in close-quarter combat and all sorts of weaponry. He has been to numerous warzones, and seen many things the public never would. His most recent assignment, however, was very unexpected.



Card Name/Figure: Ukko
Card Generation: I
Card Backstory: The Supreme God of the Kalevala. He is the master of the sky and the air, responsible for the weather, protector of avian life, and supporter of the world.
Card Powers:

  1. Bolt of Shock: The cardholder can create a lightning bolt out of their hands, although it can only stun opponents for a few seconds. It can only stun a target with a direct hit.
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Alias: Deki
G: Female
Aged 17
BStory: A tagger from London (insert tracer joke here) she moved to NYC just two days ago and goes to New York High.
Alignment: Nuetral Chaotic


Name and/or Alias: Anae
Age: ??
Gender: Male
Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Backstory: After being abandoned as a child after being abused, he then, swore to not take the side of the evil or the good, however, he will do a deed for either side, at the right price.
Appearance: image

Card Name/Figure: Gaius Cassius Longinus
Card Generation: 1st
Card Backstory: Gaius Cassius Longinus is the guy who killed Julius Caesar using a knife. Whoever holds this card slowly gains powers to make missions even cleaner.
Card Powers:

Disguise: Put on a disguise. Only very few can even slightly recognise you if you are disguised.
Whoever wants to do this person can take it


Name and/or Alias: Christina Brand

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Character Alignment: True Neutral

Backstory: High School Student

Appearance: Long Unkempt Black hair, black rimmed glasses


Card Name/Figure: Horus

Card Generation: 1st

Card Backstory: A egyptian god

Card Powers:

  1. Eye of Horus - Christina can see any place she wants and see what happened there at any point in the past that she wants, she loses her normal sight while doing this
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Name and/or Alias: Valerie
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Character Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Backstory: No one knows a lot about Valerie, only rumours. Some rumours state that she caused an “accident” to kill her parents but no proof ever came forward from that. When she was a kid she was always cuasing trouble to the point she got kicke dout of several schools and foster families remaining in the system till 18. Somehow Valerie finished high school but more rumors suspect there’s a story behind that…

Beyond that Valerie currenlty lives alone in New York and studies Bio Engineering at NYU.
Appearance: TBA
Card Name/Figure: Egyptian deity Kek
Card Generation: 1st
Card Backstory: The God of Chaos and Darkness, as well as being the concept of primordial darkness. Kek’s female form is known as Kauket.
Card Powers:

1st. Fog of darkness: Can summon a thick fog that obscures people their sight, minimal radius and lasts up to 10 seconds.

2nd character o/

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Character Info
Name: Brakx
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Character Alignment: Lawful Good
Backstory: A sad melancholy day began, drops dripping down to form puddles in the streets. People wandered about without a thought of what occurred the night before. The night that occurred before was a terrible one, guns ablaze filled the house in which Brakx lived. Brakx was lucky enough to be unspotted by the attackers. When the day rose from the ashes Brakx found both of his parents dead. He remembered one thing about the assaults, they were wearing masks. He also heard of his parents talking about a thing known as a “godcard”. He knew this could only mean one thing, the people that attacked and killed his parents were the NYC OUTFIT. From this day forward he sought vengeance for what had occurred. For now, he is a vigilante, seeking justice.

Appearance: Brakx wearing a fluffy fur white scarf around his neck, this he has to metaphorically protect him from the cold-hearted. He has purple hair to signify his balance between him being loyal to the lawful good code, but his self-interest is seeking vengeance is perceived to be dishonorable. He has a long side bang that is compromised of multiple tiny side bangs with the rest of his hair gelled back. His skin is simple though, a pale white.

Black Card

Card Name: Adrestia
Card Gen: 2nd
Card Backstory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrestia
Card Powers:

  1. Blindfold - Ability to detect a lie
  2. Punishment - If a person is to lie they will be paralyzed for 1 minute
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by lie, does it detect the subjective version of a person saying something they believe to be false, or does it detect the objective version of a person saying something false?

The latter @Simon

I’d argue that it’s only a lie if you know it’s not true

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well if you relive it to be true its not a lie

So if a person deliberately say something he knows is false, the ability will react?

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i think braix said it that it was whether knowingly or unknowingly