Godcard [Character Sheet]

Mike is too

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Ohh didn’t see Mike there sorry2

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so, with the new changes, would it be alright?


Dropped out


that isn’t a thing

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it’s gotta be a historical deity or figure

also 2 powers at Gen 1 idk if that’s allowed

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Dama had it?

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Dama made the RP and makes NPCs and shit

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“a guy” not “the guy”

Cassius was one but there were many

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Lilian is actually gen 3 btw

How does disguise work? Does he summon disguise material and instantly apply it or is it more akin to magic illusion?

Also just suggestion, if you plan something assassin like, why not try Hassan i sabbah instead?

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CK2 pilgrim flashbacks

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Illusion I say.

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If you sure that you want, it’s approved!

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Name and/or Alias: Jacques Robyns
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Character Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Backstory: Previously a soldier for a civil war he didn’t believe in on a side he didn’t agree with. He escaped the country through smuggling ships by persuading the smugglers.

Card Name/Figure: Loki
Card Generation: III
Card Backstory: The God of Mischief, Strife, and Fire
Card Powers:

  1. Blend: The cardholder blends into the environment they are currently present in. This power can be turned off.
  2. Deceitful form: The cardholder conjures two illusions of themselves, imitating the cardholder’s every move. They cannot interact with their environment however.
  3. Knives of Mischief: Summon two throwing knives that will return upon throwing.

may i suggest a power of
My finger slipped!: Cause a nearby person to have bad luck at whatever they’re currently doing

this can be interpreted a couple of ways, if someone is walking, it could trip them, or something chance based, it would increase the chance of failure.
you can do whatever you want, but maybe this would appeal more to Loki as a concept

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I like the idea! I’ll maybe keep it for gen 2 but make it more powerful. I feel like Blend allows Loki, a more “behind-the-scenes” type of deity, to manipulate his surroundings with much more accuracy and ease.

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Now you need to be as messed up as Loki.

Do you have a discord? Join the server on the first post if do.

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Thanks, I joined the discord server.

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