Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

Mabel hands them over.

Jacques steps back, as a figure in highly advanced armor searches Drynold, and finds the cards.

“Who are-”

He looks at Raul, and warily walks towards him. He doesn’t have a choice.

He tucks the remaining knife in the back of his pants, using blend to keep it hidden.


@Daericul @PolikShadowbliss

“First off. You, whatever you did. Was amazing, get in the SUV.”

“Mabel, you too. We’re getting out of here. GOONS!”

The police sirens can be heard from the gunshots, the goons run from the apartment building to the SUV, with one goon carrying the other. They enter the SUV

Drynold is unconcious.

Jacques hears the sirens and gets in the SUV.

“Fine, but who are you?”

Étaín gets out of her hiding spot and goes to Dry and tries to wake him up

Raul doesn’t answer

“Get in. We’ll talk later.”

Mabel gets in the car, deactivating her Gen 5 as she does so.

Drynold can’t be woken up. He got shot a knife went in to his spine. The ambulance should arrive soon.

@Daericul @PolikShadowbliss

Raul orders the driver to drive away. The SUV goes to out of town, to an abandoned building.

Fuck, I an’t leaving anything to chance (Permission to kill?)

Jacques notices the deactivation. He assume they have their own Godcards, aside from those just stolen off of Drynold.

( If you really want to, I couldn’t deny it anyways, but I’d rather not you to. But still, your decision )

Ugh, losers in this world don’t deserve to breath their air. she pinches his nose and covers his mouth, causing him to not be able to breath, within a few minutes he is dead

The police arrive after 1 minute of Drynold’s death.

(Boi, let it be one minute after he is dead.)

@Daericul @PolikShadowbliss

Raul’s driver parks at the building, Raul orders his goons to guard, while walking in to the building with Mabel and Jacques.

“So… well fucking done, and you…”

Points at Jacques

“We have to talk.”


Mabel watches and listens.

Raul turns to Jacques

“Who are you? What were you doing there?”