Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

( @PolikShadowbliss never got a response )

Being taken to the hospital, Drynold was revived by the paramedics, itā€™s a miracle. He is taken to the same hospital as Fade and put onto a bed for rest.

(Yeah no, all of that was BS @Ami, check discord. Your character would have no reason to kill Drynold, and it would take 6 minutes for Drynold to die. So sorry man, but Drynold ainā€™t dead.)

( You did, Polik said no, but you missed a major fight :frowning: )

(That one was a while ago this was for when Julia got in the car because the first time Polik said she didnā€™t look at Julia but I figured that when Julia got in the car Mabel probably looked at her)

( Well, weā€™re in an abandoned building out from the city. So think of a reason, because you were in the SUV and why you didnā€™t fight and enter it, Jacques, Mabel and Raul are talking there. )

Julia had fallen asleep but she wakes up now and follows the noise to Raul and Mabel

@PolikShadowbliss @Daericul
Raul looks at Drynoldā€™s card for a second, he sees Forsetiā€™s sense and uses it on Mabel and Jacques. What
alignment are they? Evil, Neutral or Good to him?

Jacques shows up as evil to Raul.

Mabel too shows up as Evil.

Julia arrives

Shit. Sorry. I passed out

ā€œItā€™s okay; echolocation is not good for combat anyway.ā€

Raul nods at Julia and continues

ā€œGood. Good. And letā€™s see the other abilities.ā€

He uses The Senate on Jacques, causing internal conflict within him.

Jacques looks at Julia.

ā€œHow many of you are there?ā€ He asks to no one in particular.

When my card screeched it said I can hear better or something but yeah unless itā€™s dark I canā€™t help much

Plus my arm hurts like shit

Raul chuckles

ā€œGo ahead Jacques. Talk more.ā€

Jacques begins to form a sentence, but hesitates, and thinks the better of it. If any fight were to erupt, he would be the first, and only, to die. Perhaps heā€™d take a goon down with him, but it is ultimately worthless.


He turns Jacques back to normal and turns to Julia using his power to check the alignment, what alignment is she?

He sees Juliaā€™s alignment as evil

Raul looks at Julia dead in the eyes

ā€œI never even got to know you, who are you, tell us about yourself.ā€

Thereā€™s not much to say, really

Iā€™m 19, dropped out of college, once met the president that was fun I suppose

I mean I guess thereā€™s one interesting thing about me

she puts her hand up to her right eye and takes it out, revealing it to be a glass eye