Godcard [Roleplay Thread]

hands the book to Marcus could you fetch me some water?

She calls Mabel again

le sigh
he goes out into the hallway for a couple minutes to find some water

before you head out could you also turn the lights out? they are a bit bright

Meanwhile, a few officers enter the room where Fade is in.

“Greetings, officers Daed and Jackson here. We would have a few questions for you.”

(@Damafaud if cal could enter fades room now that would be great, but do note his slightly aggressive intentions)
(oh btw he leaves the book on his chair)

“What is it this time Lil?”

he flips the lights on his way out

Pick me up, two police officers here. They will want to ask questions. I have smokes in my possessions

Mabel sighs over the phone.

“I don’t have a car Lil.”


The officers look at Marcus
“Would you leave the room please, we would have a few questions for the patient”

“You know what, maybe a few questions from the police will do you some good, Lil.”

(monkke, if youre asking questions, could that be before i leave the room? cause we kinda have something planned)

Raul looks at him

“Aye. We had her kidnapped. She was dangerous, we had to take care of her.”

Do you want me to get arrested? That wouldn’t be healthy for you

sir, he is my dad, and he just came out of critical condition. if its all the same to you, i would like to stay here

“Arrested for what? Smokes?”

Anyway you’re making good progress, and we’re gonna need it.

Anyway, Looks at Drynold and justin shall I give oyu guys a lift to your places or you guys wanna stay? I need to find out what happened to Lilian.

Officer Daed takes a sip of his coffee